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P. 47
personified male Gods and some contempt to the worshippers of Goddesses. Very soon this
attitude of indifference or contempt, when not just of rejection, that the Golems dispensed to
the Goddess, would enter in collision with such particular form that the Iberian people had
adopted in the Cult of Belisana.
But they counted, certainly, with the support of the Potencies of the Matter. In other
form, their success could not be explained; due to in relatively short time, they achieved to
dominate the populaces of Hispania, and, inclusive, Hibernia, Britain, Armorica and Gaul. Even
by the increasing power of the Golem, their sinister doctrine would have not produced any
harm to the Lords of Tharsis, always disposed to accept all that contributed to improve the
practice of the Cult. Were not the sacrifices of the One what determined the luck of my family
but other activity that the Golems realized with great energy: they attempted by every means,
to fulfill the second part of the Cultural Pact. It means that, even though it was not necessary
to make the war with the populations of the Pact of Blood anymore, because they were already
culturally defeated, still remained intact many megalithic works of the White Atlanteans, and
that constituted «a sin that cried to Heaven». «The populations of the Cultural Pact missed to
their compromises with the Gods and that guilty would be severely punished»; nevertheless,
and by luck for them, existed a solution: to practice the Sacrifice with the major rigor, and help
the Golems in the fulfillment of the mission. In other words, the native populations had now to
be consecrated to the Sacrifice, sacrifice themselves and sacrifice and, as a reward, the Golems
would release them from the Divine punishment executing the destruction of the megalithic
works or their neutralization. This would be all, if it was not because the Gods had made a
warning and who disobeyed it would risk to be destroyed without mercy in an exemplary
punishment of men: what would be not forgotten in no way thence, due to the Patience of the
Gods was exhausted, was the remembrance of the Pact of Blood and the quest for the Wisdom.
That was the forbidden, the abominable for the eyes of the Gods. But the most forbidden and
most abominable, an irredeemable sin, was without doubts the desire to conserve the Stone of
Venus, would suffer the sentence of the extermination, i.e., he would pay with the
destruction of his lineage, with the annihilation of all the members of the Lineage.
It is not necessary to say that the Golems obtained very soon almost all the Stones that
still continued in the hands of the native populations.
Contrarily to the Priests of the Cult, they only remitted some of them to the White
Fraternity: others were reserved to be used in magical acts, because they boasted to know their
secrets and use it in behoof of their plans; and to them denominated, pejoratively, serpent
eggs. The Lords of Tharsis, it is clear, never trusted in the Golems neither were intimidated by
their threats. But the Wise Sword was a reality that had converted in popular legend and which
could not be seriously denied: the Golems suspected from the beginning that in such arm
existed a secret vestige of the Pact of Blood. Because the Lords of Tharsis not acceded to give it
voluntarily, and that it could not be bought at any price, decided to apply against them all the
resources of the magic, the diabolic powers of the Power of the Matter. And here the surprise of
the Golems was huge because they realized that such powers couldn't do anything against the
demential Fire that turned on the blood of the Lords of Tharsis. The madness, warrior or
mystical, which distinguished them as unpredictable and indomitable men, situated them also
out of the reach of the magic spells of the Golems. They had no other choice, according to their
demonic designs, than to appropriate by force the Wise Sword and condemn the House of