Page 44 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 44
the Uncreated Spirit was not possible to be represented, and because of this was insinuated
leaving it not finished, in the representations of the barbel unicorn, the tip of the horn: beyond
the horn, in an infinite distance, was the Uncreated Spirit, absurdly related to the Created
Matter. And the beard of the barbel, of course, meant the legacy of Navutan, the number of
Naturally, the Lords of Tharsis proceeded practicing the Worship of Belisana because,
until Lito de Tharsis, there was no one who understood the familiar mission and, also, because
that was established and sanctioned by the laws of my people. But, the secret objective of the
familiar mission inexorably impulsed their participants to recreate spiritually the igneous
Archetype, and that marked them with an unequivocal signal: they acquired a fame of being a
family of mystics and adventurers, when not of dangerous madmen. And there was some truth
in that fable due to that Fire in the Blood, uncontrolled in a beginning, caused the strongest
extremes of violence and passion: existed those who experienced in their lives the most terrible
hate and the most sublime love that humanely could be conceived; and all that experience was
condensed and synthesized in the Tree of the Blood and was genetically transmitted to the
heritors of the Lineage. With the pass of time, the extreme tendencies were gradually
separating and periodically Lords who were pure Love or pure Courage, i.e., great «Mystics» or
great «Warriors». Amongst the first, were those who assured that the Ancient Goddess «had
installed in their hearts» and that her Flame «turned them on in a love ecstasy»; within the
seconds, those who, adversely, affirmed that «She had frozen their hearts», she had infused
such Courage that now they were as hard «as the rocks of Tharsis». Also the ladies intervened in
this selection: they felt the Fire in the Blood as a God, which they identified it as Beleno, «the
husband of Belisana», really this Beleno, God of Fire that the Greeks knew as Apollo, the
Hyperborean, was an igneous Archetype employed since the days of the Atlantis by the most
powerful of the Liberator Gods as «clothing» to be manifested unto men: I am referring to the
Great Chief of the Hyperborean Spirits, Lucifer, «who defy with the Power of Wisdom the
Power of the Illusion of the Creator God», the envoy by the Unknowable God, the real Kristos
of Uncreated Light.
Was missing then, that the Lineage of the Lords of Tharsis give birth to the child who
would comply with the familiar mission, who could recreate in the Spirit the Fire of the Gods
and comprehend it with the symbol of the Origin. I anticipate you, Dr. Siegnagel, that only two
had such possibility in eminent grade: Lito de Tharsis, in the XVI century, and my son Noyo in
the present. But let's go step by step.
Sixth Day
The mountain range «Catochar» has always been rich in gold and silver. While my people
were strong in the Iberian Peninsula, that riches permitted to the Lords of Tharsis to live with
great splendor. The strategic mode of life had been forgotten thousands of years ago before to
acquire the rights of such Seigniory and the land was not «occupied» anymore to practice the