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P. 39

their  «advanced»  Culture,  would  share  their  refined  customs,  would  enjoy  the  use  of  many
               cultural  objects, would  dwell more comfortable houses, etc.; and the  alliances would  be seal
               with convenient weddings, unions that would maintain safe the dignity of the Kings and would
               not obey them to concede, in a first opportunity, the Wisdom to the Cult. They believed,
               naively, that they were making a truce in which they didn’t lose anything and where they had
               much  to  gain:  and  that  belief,  that  blindness,  that  madness,  that  incomprehensible  fatigue,
               that stupor, that spell, was the ruin of my people and the worst fail to the Pact of Blood with
               the White Atlanteans, a lack of Honor. O what madness! To have believed that the Cult and the
               Wisdom could be reunited in just one hand! The result, the disaster I’d say, was that the Priests
               crossed the walls and established themselves amongst the Wise Warriors; there they intrigued
               until imposing their Cults and achieved to make them  forget the  Wisdom; and  finally, they
               avidly  devoted  themselves  to  the  rescue  of  the  Stones  of  Venus,  which  remitted  with
               promptitude to the White Fraternity through messengers who travelled to far regions. Only a
               few  Initiates  had  the  Honor  and  Courage  to  refuse  such  condemnable  claudication  and
               disposed the means to preserve the Stone of Venus and what remained of the Wisdom.
                      Within  those  Initiates  was  one  of  my  distant  ancestors,  who  engraved  the  Stone  of
               Venus  in  the  garniture  of  an  iron  sword:  was  a  weapon  of  imposing  beauty  and  notable
               symbolism; in addition to be the support of the Stone of Venus, the crossword was upward
               opened in two iron quillons that protected the hilt and gave to the set the form of inverted
               trident; the hilt, on its part, was of white bone like ivory, but coiled, and was affirmed with
               conviction  that  it  belonged  to  the  horn  of  the  Barbel  Unicorn,  mythical  animal  which
               represented the spiritual man; and the pommel, made of iron as the blade, had also a pair of
               elevated quillons, that formed a second inverted trident. In the Middle Ages, as will be seen
               later,  other  Initiates  engraved  in  the  blade  the  inscription  «Honor  Et  Mortis».  Well,  this
               Initiate  established  the  law  that  such  weapon  had  only  to  be  in  hands  of  the  Kings  of  the
               original lineage, the offspring of the White Atlanteans. Vainly were, in this case, the attempts
               made by generations of Priests to destroy the Wise Sword: it was conserved while was possible,
               and later, when that was not possible, it was occulted until the days of Lito de Tharsis, the
               ancestor who came to America in 1534.
                      I repeat: the madness to gather in one Lineage the Cult and the Wisdom produced a
               disaster in the populations of the Pact of Blood: the interruption of the initiatic chain. It
               was in this way, and in one moment, when the Gods of the Cult had imposed, the voice of the
               Pure Blood faded away and the initiates lost the possibility to hear the Liberator Gods: the will
               to return to the Origin had been debilitated long time ago and now they had no orientation.
                      Without the Voice, and without orientation towards the Origin, there was no Wisdom to
               transmit; the Sign of the Origin would not be seen anymore in the Stone of Venus. The initiates
               realized, suddenly, that something had been disengaged between them and the Liberator Gods.
                       And they  understood, too late, that the future  of  the mission and the  Pact of Blood
               depended as never before of the struggle between the Cult and the Wisdom, but a struggle that
               since then would not be fought out but inside, in the field of the blood. What made the initiates
               when  they  understood  that  irreversible  reality,  the  shadows  that  abated  the  spirit,  to
               counteract it? Almost every one did the same. Starting from the beginning that what exists in
               this world is just a gross imitation of the things of the Real World, and due to the impossibility
               to find the Origin and the Path towards the Real World, they opted to use the last remains of

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