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P. 36

Gods. Who cultivates the land, without occupying and fencing it previously, would feel to be his
               owner or would want to be, and would be devoured by the regional context and experience the
               illusion to be part of it. The property implies a double relation, reciprocal and inevitable: the
               property belongs to the owner in the same way that  he  belongs to the property; it is clear:
               could not be possession without a previous pertaining to the property that would be
               appropriated later. But, who feels to be part of the Earth would remain unguarded before the
               Illusion Power of the Enemy: he would behave as a stranger in the Earth; as the spiritual man
               who  cultivates  the  strategic  enclosure,  because  he  would  root  and  love  the  Earth;  he  would
               believe in the peace and he would aspire such illusion; he would feel a part of the nature and
               would accept that the whole is Work of the Gods; he would dwarf in his home and would be
               astonished due to the greatness of the Creation, which surrounds him everywhere; he would
               never conceive an exit of the Creation: before it, such idea would plunge him into an unnamed
               horror because on it he would intuit an abominable heresy, an insubordination to the Will of
               the Creator which could end in unpredictable punishment; he would submit to the Destiny, to
               the Will of the Gods who decides it, and would Worship them to gain their favor or to appease
               their wrath; he would be softened by the fear and would have no force, not enough to oppose to
               the  Gods,  not  even  to  fight  against  that  animic  and  animal  part  of  himself,  but  neither  to
               achive that the Spirit dominate it and become in the Lord of Himself; finally, he would believe
               in the property of the land but he would belong to the Earth, and would comply step by step
               what is signalized by the Enemy Strategy.
                      The beginning of the Wall was the factual application of the principle of the Enclosure,
               its real projection. According to the Lytic Wisdom of the White Atlanteans, there were many
               Worlds where the Spirit remained prisoner and in each one of them the principle of the Wall
               required a different concreteness: in the physic world, its correct application conduced to the
               Stone Wall, the most effective strategic fence against any pressure of the Enemy. For this
               reason the native populaces who were going to comply the mission, and participated in the Pact
               of  Blood,  were  instructed  by  the  White  Atlanteans  in  the  construction  of  walls  of  stone  as
               fundamental ingredient of their way of life: all who occupied and fenced the land to practice the
               cultivation, with the purpose to sustain the place of some work of the White Atlanteans, had
               also to raise stone walls. But the elevation of the walls not depended only of the characteristics
               of  the  occupied  land  but  on  its  construction  had  to  intervene  secret  principles  of  the  Lytic
               Wisdom, principles of the Strategy of the Essential War, principles that only the Initiated in the
               Mystery of the Pure Blood, the Wise Warriors, could know. It will be better understood the
               reason of this condition if I say that the White Atlanteans advised to «look with one eye to the
               wall and with the other to the Origin», what would only be possible if the wall was referred in
               some way to the Origin.
                      The principle to establish the filiation of an allied populace of the Atlanteans consists in
               the  opposition  between  the  Cult  and  the  Wisdom:  but  what  are  the  factual  evidences,  the
               concrete proofs, in other words, which is more evident to determine if it treats about a Cult or
               Wisdom? In every case, must be observed if there exists the Temple or the Wall of War: due
               to  the  practice  of  a  Cult  is  inextricably  associated  with  the  existence  of  a  corresponding
               Temple.  The  temple  is  the  factual  fundament  of  the  Cult,  its  material  extreme;  and  as  the
               practice of the Wisdom is inextricably associated to the existence of a Strategic Wall: the Wall
               of War is the factual fundament of the strategic way of life, its material seat. This principle
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