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P. 32
i.e., between those who worships the Creator God with the Heart and those who
comprehends the serpent with the mind.
In sum, the Swarthy Atlanteans, were «the expression of God», they didn't propose
themselves as the object of the Cult neither exposed to the native populaces their concept of
God, which would be reduced to an «auto-vision» that the Creator God would experience
since his manifestation in the Swarthy Atlanteans: otherwise, they revealed to the native
populaces the Name and the Aspect of some celestial Gods, which were not but Faces of the
Creator God, other manifestations of him in Heaven; the stars of the firmament, and all the
visible or invisible celestial body, expressed to these Gods. According to the particular
psychology of each native population would be then, the revealed God: to some of them, the
most primitives, would be shown God as the Sun, the Moon, a planet or star, or a particular
constellation; to others, more evolved, would be told: in that or such star resided the God of
their cults. In this case they were authorized to represent their God through a fetish or idol
which symbolized his hidden Face, which was perceived by the priests in His astral residence.
Anyway, being God a star, or behind a star, or manifested in the surrounding world, in
the whole Creation, in the Swarthy Atlanteans, or in any other priestly caste, the materialism of
such conception is evident: just by deepening a little on it would become patent the matter,
placed always as a real extreme of the Creation of God, when not as the same substance of God,
constituting the natural reference of the Gods, the essential support of the Divine existence.
It is undoubtedly that the Swarthy Atlanteans worshipped the Potencies of the Matter
because all which was sacred for them, such indications, for example, that they signalized to the
native populaces in the Cult, was founded in the Matter. In fact, the sanctity which was
obtained by the priestly practice proceeded from an inexorable sanctification of the body. And
the consequent Power, demonstrative of the priestly superiority, consisted in the dominion of
the forces of the nature or, in a last instance, of every force. But, the forces were not but the
manifestations of the Gods: the forces emerged from the matter or were guided by it, and it
formalization was equivalent to its deification. This is: the Wind, the Fire, the Thunder, the
Light, could not be nothing else but Gods or the Will of the Gods; the dominion of the forces
was, in this way, a communion with the Gods. And for this reason the highest priestly sanctity,
which was demonstrated by the dominion of the Soul, being this conceived as body or as force,
meaning also the most abject submission to the Potencies of the Matter.
The movement of the stars denoted the act of the Gods: the Divine Plans were
developed with such movements in which every rhythm, period, or cycle, had a decisive
meaning for the human life. Therefore, the Swarthy Atlanteans divinized Time under the form
of the astral or natural cycles and they transmitted to the native populaces the beliefs in the
Eras or Great Years: during a Great Year was concreted one part of the Plan that the Gods had
plotted for the men, their terrestrial destiny. The last Great Year, which would last for
approximately twenty six thousand solar years, would have started many years before, when
the Swan of the Sky had approached to the Earth and the men of the Atlantis saw descending
the God Sanat: he came to be King of the World sent by the Sun God Ton, the father of
mankind, who is son of the Dog God Sin. The Swarthy Atlanteans glorified the moment when
Sanat arrived to the Earth and they diffused among the native populations the Symbol of the
Swan as a sign of such primordial remembrance: Thenceforth the Symbol of the Swan, and later
of every palmiped bird, was universally considered as an evidence that some determined native