Page 34 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 34
who occupied always a «fair place» according to their devotion and obedience to the Gods. The
blood of the living had a relative value for them: if with their purity they maintained
themselves attached to the allied native populace, then they would have to preserve it,
moreover, if the protection of the Cult required of the miscegenation with other population, it
could be degraded with no problems. The Cult would be the axis of the existence for the native
populace and all would be subordinated to it in importance; all, at the end, should be sacrificed
by the Cult: in first place the Pure Blood of the allied populaces of the White Atlanteans. Was
part of the mission, a duty of the Cultural Pact: the spilled Pure Blood produced joy in the Gods
and they claimed their offerings. For this reason the Initiated Priests had to be sacrificer of the
Pure Blood, they had to exterminate the Wise Warriors or destroy their genetic legacy; they had
to neutralize the Pact of Blood.
I have described hitherto, the main characteristics of both Pacts. I couldn’t avoid the
employment of obscure or unusual concepts but you will have to comprehend, appreciated Dr.
that I don't have the necessary time to enter in major details. However, before to continue with
the History of my people and my family, I will make a commentary reffering to the
consequences that the alliances with the Atlanteans brought to the native populations.
If in something stood out the priestly castes formed by the Swarthy Atlanteans, apart
from their fanaticism and cruelty, was in the art of the deceit. They made, literally, any sacrifice
if it contributed to the preservation of the Cult: the fulfillment of the mission, such High
Purpose that satisfied the Will of the Gods, justified any of the employed methods and that
converted them in masters of the deceit. And for this reason must not surprise that many
times they simulated to be Kings, or they shielded behind Nobles and Kings, if that favored
their plans; but this can´t confuse anyone: Kings, Nobles and Lords, if their acts aimed to
maintain a Cult, or if they affirmed the heresy of the Wisdom, undoubtedly was treating about
camouflaged priests, even if their social functions appeared to be the opposite. The principle
to establish the filiation of an allied population of the Atlanteans consists in the
opposition between the Cult and the Wisdom: the sustenance of a Cult to the Potencies of the
Matter, to gods who situate themselves over men and approve their miserable earthly
existence, to Creator Gods or Determiners of the Fate of men, puts automatically their
worshippers in the mark of the Cultural Pact, being or not the Priests at sight.
On the contrary, the Gods of the White Atlanteans required nor Cult nor Priests: they
talked directly in the Pure Blood of the Warriors, and they, just hearing Their Voices, became
Wise. They had not came to comfort men in their miserable condition of being a slave in the
Earth but to incite the human Spirit to the rebellion against the Creator God of the material
prison and recover the absolute freedom in the Origin, beyond all the stars. Here would be
always a servant of the flesh, condemned to the suffering and pain of life; there would the God
who was before, such Powerful as all. And, of course, would be no peace for the Spirit while the
Return Towards the Origin was not fulfilled, meanwhile the original freedom was not re-
conquered; the Spirit was a stranger in the Earth and prisoner of the Earth: except for
the one who was asleep, confused in an extreme loss, bewitched by the illusion of the Great
Deceit, in the Earth the Spirit only could be permanently manifested in war against the
Potencies of the Matter that had him prisoner. If; the peace was in the Origin: here could only
be war for the awake Spirit, that is to say, for the Wise Spirit, and the Wisdom could only be