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P. 40

the Wisdom to impress in the Lineages of Purest Blood a «Familiar mission» consistent in the
               unconscious comprehension, with the sign of the Origin, of an Archetype. It must be
               adverted the modest of this objective: the Ancient Initiates, the Wise Warriors were capable to
               «comprehend  the  serpent,  with  Sign  of  the  Origin»;  and  the  serpent  is  a  symbol  which
               contains  All  the  archetypes  created  by  the  God  of  the  Universe,  Symbol  that  was
               consciously  understood  with the  uncreated  Sign  of the Origin. The initiates proposed, and
               there was no other option, that a family would work «blindly» on one created Archetype, trying
               that the Symbol of the Origin present in the blood one day would be comprehended casually
               and would reveal the Truth of the Uncreated Form.
                      In sum Dr. Siegnagel, to some lineages, who had Divine blood of the White Atlanteans
               flowing through their veins, was assigned a familiar mission, an objective to reach through the
               pass  of  countless  generations  that  would  go  perpetually  repeating  a  same  tragedy,  turning
               around a same Archetype. As the Alchemist stir the lead, the members of the chosen family
               would repeat untiringly the proofs established by the ancestors, until one of them, one day,
               turning around a circle travelled a thousand times beneath other skies, would reach to fulfill
               the familiar mission, purifying in this manner his astral blood. Thus this would produce a
               transmutation that would allow to resolve the involution of the Kaly Yuga or Dark Age, return
               to the Origin and obtain the Wisdom again.
                      It  is  obvious  to  clarify  that  the  familiar  mission  would  be  secret  and  that  is  actually
               unknown for the members of the offspring of the White Atlanteans. The mission demanded
               the fulfillment of a specific guideline which content would not have necessary relation with the
               objectives of the cultural community where the chosen lineage belonged; inclusive, according to
               the  Period,  the  guideline  could  result  incomprehensible  or  just  collide  against  the  cultural
               canons in vogue. But nothing of this would matter because the mission was impressed in the
               familiar blood, in the tree of the Lineage, and the descendants branches would go inevitably
               tending to the guideline, in an unconscious and superhuman effort to surpass the spiritual fall.
               Of course, the specific guideline described the Archetype that would have to be understood in
               the blood, with the symbol of the Origin, to transcend it and reach to the Uncreated Form. To
               some  families,  for  example,  was  commended  the  perfection  of  a  stone,  a  vegetable,  of  an
               animal,  of  a  symbol,  of  a  color,  of  a  sound,  of  a  determined  organic  function  or  of  an
               instinct,  etc.  The  perfection  of  the  suggested  thing  required  to  penetrate  on  its  intimate
               essence until touch the metaphysical limits, in other words, till the adaptation of the flawless
               form of the created Archetype: thereby, considering that the created Archetype is just a mere
               copy of the Uncreated Form, would be possible to orientate again towards the Origin if it was
               understood the Archetype with the Symbol of the Origin present in the Pure Blood; and there
               was the Wisdom.
                      Thus, the familiar mission not finished with the simple transcendental apprehension of
               the created Archetype but it required its spiritual re-creation. Starting by an existent quality
               in the world, he would back over it one and again, untiringly, for Aeons, until penetrating in its
               intimate  essence  and  realize  its  archetypal  perfection:  it  would  be  re-created  then,  to  the
               quality in the Spirit and would be comprehended with the Symbol of the Origin. Only with this
               condition would be appropriated for the existence of the Spirit, only thus the Spirit would exist
               beyond  of  the  created:  not  perceiving  the  illusion  of  the  created  but  recreating  what  is

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