Page 42 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 42
their spirituality, they knew the fear and speculated with the value of life: they were still
capable to fight, but only until the limits of fear, like the animals; and, of course, they would
become «fearful of the Gods», respectful of their Supreme Wills that no one would dare to defy;
they would not elevate then, the gaze from the Earth, neither would seek the Origin. Thence
only the Heroes would realize the feats that the warriors not dared to realize: sad place of
exception reserved to the Heroes, when in days of the White Atlanteans the entire Race was a
community of Heroes.
The triumph of the Cult produced the oblivion of the Wisdom. The Spirit went sleeping
in the Pure Blood and only those Wise Warriors who still had a rest of lucidity realized the
desperate attempt to impress the «familiar mission». In the case of our Lineage, Dr. Siegnagel
the insanity to collect in just one hand the Cult and the Wisdom took my ancestors to a
demential proposal: they established as guideline the perfection of the Cult. That is to say,
that the thing which would be perfected by us would not be fortuity, as the color or the sound,
but the own Cult imposed by the Priests, the worship to a Deity revealed by the Swarthy
Atlanteans. And I am referring precisely to Belisana, the Goddess of the Fire. But, every Cult
is a description of an Archetype: the familiar mission required then, the demential objective
to improve the Cult until it adjustment with its archetype, which became soon a Goddess, that’s
to say, an aspect of the Creator God; and, as culmination was ordained to re-create in the
Spirit such Archetype, that Goddess, and comprehend it with the Uncreated Symbol of the
Origin: that was as to pretend that the Spirit of a descendant member of the familiar lineage
would include one day the Creator God, and the whole Universe, to comprehend it later with
the Symbol of the Origin!, in other words, that was like demanding, at the end, the Highest
Wisdom, the fulfillment of the commandements of the White Atlanteans: comprehend the
Serpent, with the Symbol of the Origin!
I could not assure you if this hallucinative proposal was a consequence of the madness of
my ancestors or obeyed to a higher inspiration, a request that the Liberator Gods made to the
Lineage: peradventure They knew since the beginning that one of us would reach to realize the
familiar mission and would awake, as a Wise Warrior, in the same moment of his liberation, on
the Earth, the Final Battle. Because, if we discard a mad act of the Wise Warriors and we accept
that they worked totally conscious of what they supposed to obtain, it doesn't explain the
difficulty of such mission, unless that its fulfillment would contribute to the Strategy of the
Essential War and was trusted in the help and the invisible guide of the Liberator Gods.
Perhaps, then, the Liberator Gods wanted to count during the Final Battle with Initiates
capable to confront them Face to Face, and had decided to provide some lineages, as my
own, with the appropriated instrument for it, this is, the comprehension of the Archetype
of the Gods. This necessity is understood through an ancient idea that the White Atlanteans
transmitted to the Wise Warriors of my community: according to this revelation, the Liberator
Gods were Uncreated Spirits who existed freely out of every material determination; but Spirits
chained in the Matter, in the animal-man, had lost the Origin and, with it, the capacity to
perceive the Uncreated: only could relate themselves with the Created, with the archetypical
forms; due to this the Liberator Gods only could employ «as clothing» some Archetypes of Gods
to manifest unto men: naturally, such manifestations only would take place in front of the
Hyperborean Initiates, because only the Initiates would be capable to transcend «the clothing»,
the forms of the created Archetypes, and resist «face to Face» the Terrible Presences of the