Page 43 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 43
Liberator Gods. Being in this way, perchance They wanted that some Initiates of my Lineage
would reach some day, presumably during the Final Battle, to put in contact with the
Hyperborean Goddess who was usually manifested through Belisana, to whom the White
Atlanteans called Frya and the ancient Hyperborean Lilith.
Whatever could be the case, because of the madness or the Divine Inspiration, the truth
is that the guideline of such mission determined that our family became fervently devoted to
the perfection of the Cult to the Goddess Belisana. Surely such special dedication to the Cult
was savior because, for many generations, was believed that our Lineage was of Priests: really,
the first descendants in the familiar mission were not so different to the most fanatic Priests
worshippers of the Fire. However, through the pass of generations, were emerging members
who penetrated more and more in the essence of igneous.
The Goddess Belisana was represented, in the primitive cult, by the Flame of a Perennial
Lamp of the Swarthy Atlanteans. The Perennial Lamps was given by the Priests to seal the
blood alliances between the populations of the Cultural Pact and of the Pact of Blood, and as
the safest magic medium to impose the Cult over the Wisdom. Thereby, amongst the Iberians
of my community, a Wise Warrior married with an Iberian Princess, who was also priestess of
the Cult to the Goddess Belisana, and received as a dowry that Lamp which Flame was never
extinguished. Absurdly, my family possessed then the Wise Sword, with the Stone of Venus of
the White Atlanteans, and the Perennial Lamp, with the Flame of the Swarthy Atlanteans. But
the Wise Sword would not play its role yet: it only was jealously preserved, as a familiar
tradition, because the faculty to see the Sign of the Origin on the Stone of Venus was lost.
Instead, to the Perennial Lamp, to the worship of the Sacred Flame, was given all the
attention. Thus, some descendants achieved to improve the Divine Flame, approaching it more
and more to the igneous Archetype of the Goddess. And also some descendants achieved to
isolate and apprehend the essence of the igneous, incorporating the Fire Archetype in the
familiar Blood. When this occurred, some ancestors, prudently, abandoned the Cult of the
Flame and They withdrew to a Seigniory of the South of Spain. They left the Perennial Lamp to
the other familiars, who were incapable to miss the Cult, and conserved the Wise Sword, that
for them didn’t mean anything. Of course, those who remained in the custody of the Perennial
Lamp continued being Kings or Priests because the people were completely devoted to the
Worship of the Goddess Belisana: those who withdrew, my direct ancestors, had to concede in
return all their rights to the royal succession. However, they maintained some power as Lords
of the House of Tharsis, near to «Huelva», in «Andalucía».
Thenceforth they adopted the Barbel Unicorn as the symbol of the House of Tharsis.
In the beginning they represented that mythical fish in their shields or primitive blazons, but
in the Middle Ages, as will be seen later, was heraldically incorporated to the familiar armorial
bearings. The barbel knight, Barbus Eques, is the commonest of the rivers from Spain,
specially the Odiel which circulated a few metres from Tharsis; receives the fish such name due
to the four chins that it has in the lower jaw, which is very protruding. However, the barbel that
the Lords of Tharsis were referring to was a fish provided by a frontal horn and five chins. The
myth that justified the symbol affirmed that the barbel, moving through the river Odiel, was
similar to the Soul transiting through the transcendental Time of Life: was an animal
representation of man. But the White Atlantean offspring were not like the animal-men
because they possessed an Uncreated Spirit, or in other words, the Kâlachakra Key; naturally,