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P. 64
And, really, the Man of Stone would not talk, perhaps for many years. He won't do it
because he would be occupied experiencing Himself. Because since the reborn, inside of his
heart, over a deep fiber, was burning the Flame of the Cold Fire: and that Flame, when was
perceived, spoke with the Voice of Himself; and its words always started with the
name of the Goddess: I am, I am (Ey,Ey). When hearing the Voice of Himself affirming «I
am», the Man of Stone really was, that is to say, he had absolute existence out of the illusion
of the material entities, beyond the Life and the Death. For this reason the Man of Stone would
not talk, or would talk little, from now on: he was very closer to the Wisdom of the White
Atlanteans and that wisdom could not be explained to the asleep men who loved Life and
feared the Liberator Death. Perhaps at the end, during the Final Battle, he or other Men of
Stone would talk clearly to the asleep men to summon them for the liberation of the material
chains and to fight for the return towards the Origin of the Hyperborean Race. Meanwhile, the
Man of Stone will only act, will listen in silent the Voice of the Cold Ice and will act; and his act
will express the Highest Spiritual Courage: whatever he could make, his action will be
founded in the absolute support of Himself, beyond the good and the evil, and any judgment or
punishment coming from the World of the Deceit will not affect him. And no variant of the
Great Deceit, neither the Warm Fire of the Animal Passion, would grad him back to the Dream
of the Life: Wise and Brave as a God, the Man of Stone will only fight if it is necessary and will
wait in silent the Final Battle; he will crave for the Origin, and will affect him the nostalgia for
the L-ove of the Goddess; he will seek for his Original Couple in the Kâlibur Woman and, if he
find her, he will love her with the Cold Fire of Himself; and she will embrace him with the
Uncreated Light of his Eternal Spirit, which will be Infinite Blackness for the created Soul.
In this third case, with security, Pyrene's Promise would be fulfilled.
Tenth Day
I guess that you will wait, suffered Dr. Siegnagel, an answer to the missing question:
«What would be the next action of the Golems before the Tartessian might, which was
developing out of their control and was frustrating all their plans?» This was the answer, very
simple, although it will have to be clarified: the Golems directed against Tartessos the
Myth of Perseus.
Rigorously, it can be affirmed that the myth of Perseus, as many other legends that
lately have been grouped under the general denomination of «Greek Myths», are really an
ancient Pelasgian Myth. With some «Greek» stories of Heracles occurred the same: for example,
with such where the hero fights against the Giant Geryon to steal his red oxes and which hides,
the Pelasgians under an expensive symbol, an ancient incursion of the primitive Argive against
the «triple population» of the Iberians, or Vitrons, with the finality to conquest the secret of
the animal breeding which they unknown or have lost; and the proof is in that those Argive,
«enemies of the Geryons», were considered relatives of them, since the own Heracles was great-