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imagined as real characters, the Kings and military Chiefs who ambitioned the loot of Tartessos
               had  clear  that  it  was  treating  about  representations;  in  the  centuries  of  the  Tartessian
               expansion, those who desired to «emulate Perseus», for example, they knew well that the «Head
               of Medusa» which they had to cut meant to «destroy Tartessos»; something similar occurred
               when in the wars of XIX century was proposed to «destroy the Bear», alluding to the «conquest
               of Russia», or to «humiliate the Lion», instead of «submit England». However, the fact that a
               King was aware of the  allegoric sense of the Myth,  not rest him the capacity to act, on the
               contrary, increases the possibilities of being really accomplished: who intelligently adopts the
               role of a character of the mythical argument, interprets the description of the Myth as some
               kind  of  plan  or  project  to  be  realized;  though  is  not  the  character  who  acts  to  realize  the
               character of the Myth but the own myth that, unconsciously, motorizes the character to fulfill
               the argument: who aspires to be Perseus, will end cutting the head of Medusa, even if he
               believes to be able of self-control because he knows the allegoric meaning of the character.
                      In this way, Dr. Siegnagel, the Golems «directed against Tartessos the Myth of Perseus»
               as a reaction to the economic and military expansion which was developing out of their control
               and frustrated all their  plans: the answer is now clear. In the subsequent  century would  be
               many the «Perseus» who would attempt the feat to conquest Tartessos; and almost in every
               case, integrating the warrior expeditions, guiding invader Kings or pirate Chiefs, reached the
               Golems, Hermes caricature that would signalize the abode of the Graerae and the location of
               the unique Eye, that's to say, the Wise Sword. Due to the Golems would never forget their main
               objective; steal the Stone of Venus. That would be their part of the booty: the rest, gold and
               silver, docks and prosperous cities, all would be for the winner Perseus, for the «hero» of the
               Cultural Pact. Was not much what they requested and would not be few who would answer to
               their intriguing proposals. However, even by this offensive which was founded in the universal
               action  of  the  Myth  and  that  obeyed  the  Tartessians  to  live  in  permanent  war  state,  the
               Kingdom defended itself with success until the III century, period in which their might started
               to decline before other rising potencies: Carthage, Greece and Rome would write the end of the
                      The Greeks of the pre-classic period were very receptive to the Strategy of the Golems
               and that guided them to undertake many conquest expeditions against the Tartessians: from
               their  thriving  colonies  in  Sicily,  Italy,  Gaul,  and  finally,  in  the  own  Spain,  they  would  have
               exterminated Tartessos if they not had to watch their back from the rising power of Rome. The
               Romans,  instead,  were  always  friendly  with  the  Tartessians  and  scarcely  permeable  to  the
               Golem  influence:  that  must  not  surprise  if  it  is  remembered  that  through  the  veins  of  the
               Roman  royalty  circulated  the  blood  of  the  Pelasgians  of  Etruria,  direct  relatives  of  the
               Tartessians.  Destiny  would  not  reserve  then,  neither  Greeks  nor  Romans  the  «feat»  of
               destroying  Tartessos.  Would  be  a  man  of  Carthage,  a  Phoenician,  a  red  or  Punic,  the  new
               Perseus who would wield the iron sickle, inverted and perverted symbol of the half moon and
               he would cut the Head of Medusa, giving fulfillment in this way, to the prophecy of the Golems.

                      In the XII century B.C., when the Philistines occupied and looted it, starts the decay of
               Sidon, the most important Phoenician city. Begins in this way the might of Tyre, and would not
               stop growing until Nebuchadnezzar, who after a siege of thirteen years, dilapidated it definitely
               in  574  B.C.  But,  in  that  time,  Tyre  has  been  expanded  through  all  the  ancient  world  and

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