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possesses colonies, as Gades (Cádiz), in the south of Spain, in the Sicilian coasts, in the Balearic
islands, in Sardinia, and, since 814 B.C., in the coasts of Africa, where was founded the rich and
prosperous city of Carthage. With the commercial ruin of Tyre becomes preponderant, since
the VI century, the Carthaginian colony, which has the greatest fleet of the occidental
Carthage reached in History the joyless celebrity to have constituted an amoral society,
composed by merchants whose only ambition was the richness, which imposed their commerce
with the protection of a mercenary army; only a few Warlords, indeed, they were Carthaginians:
the course of the army was integrated by men without homeland and law, that's to say, by
soldiers whose homeland was of who paid more and whose law depended of the agreed
payment. Although what most impressed always to the observers, in an analogic way to the
repugnance that caused in the Europeans in the XVI century was to know the sanguinary Aztec
Cult of the Palpitating Hearts, was the Cult of Moloch, a deity for whom they had to offer
permanent human sacrifices to appease his inextinguishable thirst of lives. In Tyre, the
Phoenicians worshipped very similar Gods to the other populations of Mesopotamia or Asia
Minor: they gave Cult to the Goddess Astarte or Tanit, who for the Assyrian-Babylonian was
Ishtar or Innana, or Nana, for the Greeks lo, for the Egyptians Isis, and in other places was
called Ashataroth, Cybele, Athena, Anatha, Hathar, etc.; and also worshipped Adon, who was
equivalent to the Phrygian Adonis; and adored in Melqart, who corresponded to Argive
Heracles; and offered sacrifices to Baal Zebul, Baal Sidon, Baal Zaduk, Baal II, Baal Tars, Baal
Yah, etc., all names of the Creator God who was represented as the Sun, as the planet Jupiter or
as any other force of the nature. Was in the IX century B.C., when the King Ithobaal I, priest of
Astarte, married his daughter Jezebel with King Ahab of Israel, that the Golems infiltrated in
Tyre and tried to unify the Cults in the Sacrifice to the God One II. Such attempt would not give
great results until the next century, after the conquest of the Assyrian Great King Sargon II
over Canaan and after the Golems moved to Carthage to officiate as Priests of the Cult of
Moloch. It must be warned that the Carthaginian was the first population where the Golems
established, a part of the European populations that were assigned to them by the White
Fraternity, to comply with their mission of unifying the Cults. But would be the first and the
last due to, according to what they declared, their interest was only to work in the European
Cults: if they remained in Carthage that was purely and exclusively to the Tartessian heresy,
the necessity to orient Perseus to that population to cut the Head of Medusa and fulfill their
prophecies. Was in this manner how, impulsed by the sinister design of the Golems, the Cult of
Moloch would reach to dominate by the terror to all the other powers of the government of
Carthage: the King, the Nobility, the state advisors, the military chiefs, all would end subjected
to Moloch and his Golem priests. Finally, all the families of Carthage were obeyed to offer their
firstborn child to be sacrificed in the «mouth of Moloch», that's to say, to be thrown in the
mouth of a metal idol that guided to an incandescent oven; and there would end their days also
the prisoners, the slaves, the accused of some crime, the consecrated virgins, or any one that
the Golems wanted to eliminate. But the God was never satisfied: he demanded more and more
living proofs of the population Faith in the ritual Sacrifice; his Law claimed a fee of blood
hardly available. Peradventure Moloch was expecting for a greater sacrifice, perchance he would
be calm with the offering of the whole lineage that insulted him, with its extermination in His
Name of the lineage of the Lords of Tharsis.