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P. 74

sent  him eight  years  before to  conquer such inhospitable  country  and  had  no intentions to
               make him return.
                      But Halmicar Barca would pay them with the same coin, he would demonstrate to the
               government  of  Carthage  the  same  indifference  and  would  usufruct  in  his  family  and  own
               advantage the immense conquered territory: Spain would be the particular Barca's estate! But,
               for  it,  would  be  necessary  to  count  with  the  indispensable  collaboration  of  the  native
               population, who had ruled until that moment the country and knew all the mechanisms of its
               operation. And such bellicose countries, who were free for centuries, would not easily submit to
               the slavery, this was clearly adverted by the Barcas, at least that their own Kings and Lords
               would convince them that it was better to not resist the occupation. The solution would not be
               impossible due to, according to the particular  philosophy  of the Carthaginians, «only would
               need to be destroyed the one who could not be bought».
                      The strange and contradictory news reached then to the refuge of the Lords of Tharsis:
               Halmicar  Barca  would  offer  them  to  save  their  lives  if  they  renounced  to  every  right  over
               Tartessos  and  accepted  to  enter  at  his  service  to  govern  the  country;  on  the  contrary  case,
               would  be  exterminated  as  the  Golems  claimed.  With  so  much  pain,  but  without  possible
               alternatives,  the  Lords  of  Tharsis  had  to  accept  such  dishonorable  offer:  they  made  it  for  a
               superior interest, for the familiar mission and the Wise Sword.
                      Once arranged the surrender, Tharsis passed to serve the Barca’s and they were occupied
               in to  pacify Tartessos and  reorganize the agricultural and industrial production. Due to the
               demonstrated  good  disposition  they  were  rewarded  with  a  farm  located  very  near  from  the
               emplacement of the disappeared Tartessos, where would live since then the «Tharsis family»,
               except for the members that performed functions in the cities or accompanied the Barca’s in
               the inspection journeys. While the Carthaginian occupation lasted, nonetheless the protection
               assured by the Barcas, the tranquility was scarce due to the Golems were constantly spying,
               who explored inch by inch seeking for the Wise Sword and had added now the death of twenty
               of them to the list of pending charges to pay off by the House of Tharsis.
                      At the death of Halmicar Barca, in 228 B.C., he is succeeded by his son Hasdrubal Barca,
               but,  after  his  assassination  in  220  B.C.,  Hannibal  Barca  assumes  the  command  of  the
               Carthaginian army. The nephew of Halmicar invaded the Greek colony of Sagunt in the year
               219 B.C., which was under the protection of Rome, and started with this action the second
               Punic War, that would end in 201 B.C., with the unconditional capitulation of Carthage. Thirty
               years after the destruction of Tartessos, Spain was free forever from the Carthaginian invader!
               But it was too late for Tartessos: the new Roman occupant would not abandon the peninsula
               until the dismemberment of his own empire, seven hundred years later.
                      With  the  Romans,  the  House  of  Tharsis  had  a  relative  good  time  because  it  was
               considered  an allied  nobility  and  their  govern  functions  of  the  region  were  restored,  now  a
               Roman province, subjected to the law of the Republic and to the authority of a proconsul or
               praetor.  The  region  of  the  ancient  Tartessos,  between  the  rivers  Tinto  and  Odiel,  remained
               included in the province of «Baetica», denominated with this name for the river Betis, today
               Guadalquivir, which was extended up to the river Anas, today Guadiana, frontier of Lusitania;
               Romans gave to the Tartessians the name of «Turdetani»: in a few decades the Turdetani was
               Romanized,  the  use  of  Latin  was  popularized,  and  great  rural  states  were  constructed,
               properties of the governors of each province, magistrates, or army Chiefs.

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