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wake  up  from  the  Great  Deceit;  such  races,  strategically  confused,  will  continue  following,
               blindly, the Atlantean Priests, who will guide them directly to their spiritual decadence. The
               White  Race  is  the  only,  in  this  moment,  that  disposes  of  an  opportunity  of  liberation,
               possibility that the Gods will not ignore. But the  White Men are too  asleep, with the spirit
               highly submerged in the illusion of the Matter, extremely projected in the Exterior World: will
               not be able to comprehend the interior Revelation of the Spirit, will not be able to be free by
                      It is necessary an exterior revelation of the Spirit suitable for the White Race, to show
               the  White  Man  from  outside  a  liberation  path  capable  to  guide  him  to  the  Hyperborean
               Wisdom:  for  it  Navutan  descends  to  Hell.  Navutan,  «God  free  and  Eternal»,  accepts  to
               descend to hell, come to the World of the Matter, and to born as a White Man. And as a White
               Man, realizes the feat to set free his chained Spirit by himself: he will demonstrate in this way
               to men, with the example of His Will, the path to follow, the orientation towards the Origin.
                      In  sum,  the  history  that  the  White  Atlanteans  transmitted  in  form  of  Myth  to  the
               native populations is the next. In the Atlantis lived a very holy White Virgin, consecrated to the
               Unknowable  God  service  and  completely  committed  to  the  contemplation  of  the  Uncreated
               Light. Afflicted by the terrible famine that her people suffered, such Virgin asked for help to
               the Unknowable; and this Supreme God, whose Will is the Grace, teaches her a path towards
               the Planet Venus. Once there, the Virgin received from the envoy  of the Unknowable many
               exemplar of the Plant of the Wheat, which she would use to satiate the material hunger of man,
               a birch rod, that would be useful to measure the White Treason, and the seed of a Child of
               Stone, who one day would be man, he would place at the head of the White Race, and would
               satiate their spiritual hunger. When returning from Venus, the White Virgin, who never had a
               carnal  contact  with  any  man,  was  pregnant  of  Navutan.  The  Liberator  Gods  had  already
               announced that she would be mother and would give birth to a child whose spiritual Wisdom
               would liberate the White Race from the material slavery. A serpent tried to avoid the Virgin to
               comply with her commitment but She kills it crushing its head with her right foot. Passed the
               pregnancy  period,  the  Virgin  gives  birth  to  Navutan  and  educates  him  as  a  Constructor
               Warrior, counting with the help of the Guardians of the Lytic Wisdom.
                      In  the  Atlantis  existed  a  footpath  that  guided  to  a  Spellbound  Garden,  which  was
               constructed by the God of the Illusion. There an Ancient Pomegranate Tree grew, knew as the
               Tree of Life and also as the Tree of Terror, which roots were extended through all the
               Earth and which branches were elevated up to the Celestial Abodes of the God of the
               Illusion. Near to that bewitched Pomegranate existed an Apple-tree, as Ancient as Such, which
               was  called  the  Tree  of  the  Knowledge  of  Good  and  Evil  or  Tree  of  the  Death.  Was  a
               common belief amongst the Atlanteans that men, in a beginning, were immortal: the cause that
               men had to die was because the Great Ancestors had eaten from the Fruit of that Tree and the
               death  was  transmitted  to  their  offspring  as  a  disease.  In  reality,  the  blood  of  the  Tree,  its
               damned salvia, was mixed with the Immortal Blood of the Original Man and it regulated from
               the interior of man the Life and Death. And no one knew the Remedy for that Disease.
                      Navutan, who didn't have a human father, was born immortal as the Original Man, but
               his  immortality  was,  for  the  same  reason,  essential,  own  of  his  special  spiritual  nature;  in
               consequence, his immortality was incommunicable to the rest of the White Men, it was not
               useful for them to recover their lost immortality. For this reason Navutan, with the support of
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