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beginning; but also was the pretended cultural fundament of the tragedy of Jesus: the
registered prophecies in the set of the canonical books of the Hebrews, who claimed to be «the
Chosen People of the Creator God». Nothing of this convinced to the Lords of Tharsis and, on
the contrary, as more they watched that new oriental Cult, more they persuaded themselves
that behind it was hidden a colossal contrived conspiracy of the White Fraternity. How was
then, that they adopted Christianity as familiar religion? Because, about the provenance of the
Cult and the filiation of their worshipers, an unquestionable fact existed: that the story
narrated by the gospels was real in part. This could be assured by the Lord of Tharsis
without any genre of doubts because they knew it since thousands of years ago, much before
that Jesus came to Palestine. Because that was, undoubtedly, a new version of Navutan's
To know history in all its purity would be necessary to go back thousands of years to the
past, to the Age of the White Atlanteans, Father of all the White populations of the Pact of
Blood. They assured to be guided by Navutan, the Great White Chief who had discovered the
secret of the spiritual incarceration and had revealed them the manner in which the Spirit
could abandon the matter and be free and eternal beyond the stars, i.e., beyond the abodes of
the Gods and the Potencies of the Matter. According to the narrations of the White Atlanteans,
Navutan was a God who existed, free and eternal as all the Hyperborean Spirits, beyond the
stars. The Unknowable God, from whom nothing can be affirmed from here far from the
Origin, Navutan, and other Gods, were angry because a part of the Race of the Spirit was
trapped in the Universe of the Matter: the anger was not directed just to the Potencies of the
Matter who retained the Spirits, but also against the weak Spirits, against who lacked of
Gracefulness Will to break the Illusion of the Great Deceit and be Free by himself. In the Earth,
the Spirit had been incarcerated to the animal-man to use its volitional force to accelerate the
evolution of his psychic sphere: and such ferrous was the incarceration, such submersed was
the Spirit in the animic nature of the animal-man, that had forgotten the Origin and he
believed to be a product of the nature and the Potencies of the Matter, a creation of the Gods.
In other cases, since the Spirit remained in the Earth, the Liberator Gods, their Brother
Spirits, came to their rescue and many were liberated and they returned with Them: For this
cause, terrible battles were fought against the Potencies of the Matter. Finally, for example, had
crossed the Origin, and had presented before the Atlantean men, the Great Chief of All the
prisoner Hyperborean Race, the Lord of the Beauty of the Uncreated Forms, the Lord of
Absolute Courage, the Lord of the Uncreated Light, the Envoy of the Unknowable God to
Liberate the Spirit, that's to say, the Kristos of the Uncreated Light, Kristos Light, Luci Bel,
Lucifer, or Kristos Lucifer. But the manifestation of Kristos Lucifer in the Atlantis caused the
destruction of the materialist civilization: the battle of the Atlantis ended with the
submergence of the continent, much later of his return to the Origin.
In these circumstances, in front of the imminent catastrophe of the Atlantis, was
developed the history of Navutan. The yellow men, the red men, the black men, all would
perish in a cataclysm worse than which is looming in the Atlantis: the one that worries the
Liberator Gods is the spiritual cataclysm, the abyss in which will be submerged even those who
survive to the submergence of the Atlantis; and that result seems to be unavoidable due to the
insistence and tenacity tin which the White Fraternity maintain the spiritual incarceration,
but, mainly, due to the impossibility demonstrated by the Spirit to avoid the illusion and to