Page 85 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 85

In the beginnings of the IV century, three barbarous populations assaulted Spain: two
               were  German,  the  Suevi  and  the  Vandals,  and  the  other,  the  Alans,  Iranian.  In  the
               distribution that they made, the Alans occupied Lusitania and part of Beatica, including the
               region of the Village of Turdes: reached to be in 409 and, in the eight years that they attained
               to  stay  in  the  region,  their  presence  is  reduced  to  the  usufruct  in  the  own  benefit  of  the
               taxation correspondent to the Roman functionaries and the periodic looting of some villages.
               To face the invasion, the Roman General Constantius, in the name of the Emperor Honorius,
               contracts the King Wallia of the Visigoths through a foedus signed in the year 416: by this
               treaty  the  Visigoths  agreed  to  fight,  in  quality  of  federated  of  the  Empire,  against  the
               barbarians that occupy Spain, receiving in turn lands to establish in the South of the Gaul, in
               the  Tarraconensis  and  in  the  Narbonensis.  The  Alans  were  rapidly  annihilated,  while  the
               Vandals didn't realize incursions to the Beatica yet until they finally abandoned the peninsula
               to Africa.
                      When in 476 the Heruli Odoacer deposes the Roman Emperor Augustulus, giving end to
               the Western Roman Empire, from five years ago that the Visigothic King Euric was occupying
               Spain. This time, the Visigoths entered to finish with the Suevis, in fulfillment of the foedus of
               the year 418, but they would not leave for the next two hundred years.
                      The permanent presence of the Visigoths in Spain not affected in a determinant manner
               the lives of the Hispanic-Romans, except in the case of the owners of great estates latifundiums
               that were obeyed by the foedus to distribute their lands with the German «guests». Such was
               the case of the Lords of Tharsis, when they had to host a Visigothic family named Valter and
               to give them one third of the terra dominicata and two thirds of the terra indominicata. But
               after this expropriation, that constituted a fair payment for the tranquility that the Visigoths
               family assured in front of the recent invasions, all continued as the days of the Roman Empire:
               only the destiny of taxes had changed, which was not Roman anymore but more closer to the
               Toledo; the amount and the periodicity of the exaction, and even the collector functionaries,
               were the same that in the Roman Empire.
                      Three fundamental points separated from a beginning the Visigoths and the Hispanic-
               Romans:  A  law  that  prohibited  the  marriages  between  Goths  and  Hispanic-Romans,  the
               religious  difference,  and  the  numeric  proportion  between  both  populations.  The  first  was
               solved  in  the  year  580  with  the  annulment  of  the  law,  remaining  opened  the  barrier  that
               impeded to mix both populations: since then, Valter's family integrates with many marriages to
               the House of Tharsis, remained restoring the primitive patrimony of the Lords of Tharsis.
                      The  second  point  means  that,  while  the  totality  of  the  Hispanic-Roman  dwellers
               professed  the  catholic  religion,  the  Visigoths  guests  maintained  the  Arianism.  In  fact,  both
               populations  were  Christians  and  ignorant  of  the  theological  quibbling’s  that  the  Priests
               established  dogmatically.  And  in  this  case,  the  difference  that  Arius  had  signalized  was  of
               extreme subtlety. The Visigoths were evangelized, when they still inhabited in the shores of the
               Black Sea, by the Goth Bishop Ulfilas, devotee of Arius; then, when advancing through occident,
               pushed by the Huns, would discover with satisfaction that their Christianity was different from
               the Roman and they would hang on tenaciously to that difference, often incomprehensible.
                      They  would  work  in  this  form  because  the  Goths  had  developed  in  great  grade  the
               national  pride  and  they  needed  to  dispose  of  some  tangible  difference,  an  own  unifying

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