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Isidore  of  Seville, who  not  possess  neither  remotely  the  Pure  Blood  of  Reccared  or  Sisebut,
               nevertheless  he  was  one  of  the  best  instructed  and  more  intelligent  man  of  Spain:  his
               encyclopedia of twenty tomes «Etymologiae» is a masterwork for the Age, apart from many
               books dedicated to the most varied themes; he even wrote a Treatise of Apologetics with the
               suggestive title «De fide Catholica  against ludeos». However, Isidore professed  admiration
               with no limits for the history of the Chosen People and considered the Old Testament as the
               theological base of Christianity, just as is demonstrated in his treatise of exegetics «Allegoriae
               S.  Scripturae»  where  he  comments  the  Hebrew  books.  This  posture  guided  him  to  the
               contradiction of sustaining in one hand the necessity to fight against Judaism and in the other
               to procure the defense of the Jews, to avoid that «any type violence» be put over them. In the
               course of the Council, moved by that false «Christian mercy», he tried to retrace the laws of the
               Visigoth Kings.
                      Thanks to the intervention of the Count of Turdes Valter are approved ten canons about
               the  Jews,  but  without  the  rigor  of  Sisebut's  law:  was  prohibited  to  the  Jews,  among  other
               things,  the  practice  of  the  usury,  the  performance  of  public  offices,  the  mix  marriages,  was
               ordered the dissolution of the existent mixed marriages, and was reaffirmed the prohibition to
               maintain Christian slaves.
                      To evaluate the importance of the adopted resolutions it just has to be noticed that the
               Councils of Toledo were National Synods of the Catholic Church, just as to the nobles who were
               responsible of the general of the laws, in case that they didn't accomplish with exactitude a
               dedication to the dispositions about the Jews.
                      In that Council of Toledo, the Count of Turdes Valter defended with ardor the cause that
               he denominated «Goth-Hispanic Culture», in a moment in which the Pro-Jew faction headed by
               the Bishop Isidore seemed to have controlled the dispute. His irruption was decisive: he spake
               with such eloquence that achieved to define the majority of the Bishops in favor to take urgent
               measures  to  counteract  the  «Jewish  problem».  All  were  fascinated,  specially  the  noble
               Visigoths, when they heard to assure that the «Goth-Hispanic Culture was Oldest of the Earth»,
               and that now that invaluable heritage «was threatened by a population enemy of the Spirit, a
               population who worshiped Satan in secrecy and counted with their Infernal Power to enslave or
               destroy mankind»: Satan had conferred power over the Gold, that they always used to carry out
               their uncontestable plans, and «which they surely used to bought the vote of the Bishops that
               defended them». This possibility to be at the service of the Jewish Gold took to more than one
               Pro-Jew  Bishop  to  shut  his  mouth  and  allowed  that,  finally,  the  expected  measures  by  the
               Count of Turdes Valter were approved. However, such victory was not positive for the House of
               Tharsis due to it revealed something that was unnoted by all the world up to that moment: the
               attitude that the Count of Turdes Valter was exuded something more than the Catholic zeal,
               something alive, something that could only proceed from a Secret Knowledge; from an Occult
               Source;  the  Earl  was  extremely  sure  of  what  he  was  affirming,  was  rather  categorical  in  his
               conviction, to be a fanatic, to be someone blinded  by the faith; it was evident that the Earl
               knew what he said, but how much and what did he know? Whither did his Wisdom come?
               thence, the House of Tharsis would be observed again by the Enemy: and to the hate of the
               Golems would be added now the one of the Chosen People and of some part of the Catholic
               Church, who would not stop to pursue the Lord of Tharsis and procure their destruction; since
               that  moment,  even  if  they  would  contribute  with  their  riches  and  members  to  the

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