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principle,  which  would  avoid  them  to  be  culturally  phagocytized  by  the  Roman  Empire:  the
               meaning  of  the  difference  itself  had  no  major  importance;  the  concrete  would  be  that  the
               Arianism would maintain them religiously separated from the Roman population in such way,
               that when joining each other, would allow them to conserve the Gothic Culture.

                      In what consisted such difference with the catholic dogma that only a few understood,
               but the nationalist Goths would defend it to the end? Specifically, it referred to a definition
               concerning to a problem of the Divinity and Jesus Christ. The posture of Arius, natal of Libya
               but  enrolled  in  the  diocese  of  Antioquia,  appeared  as  a  reaction  against  the  doctrine  of
               Sabellius: he affirmed that not existed an essential distinction amongst the three Persons of
               the  Christian  Trinity;  the  Son  and  the  Holy  Spirit  were  really  manifestations  of  the  Father
               under other Aspect or prosopon: the essence of the God One, when was presented with one
               Aspect of the Father, with other was the Child, and with other the Holy Spirit. Against this,
               Arius  started  to  teach  since  318  that  «only  God  One  is  eternal  and  incommunicable:  Jesus
               Christ was created from the naught, therefore, he is not eternal; he is a creature of the God One
               hence something different from Him, something not consubstantial with Him».
                      Sabellius  didn't  establish  any  distinction  within  the  three  Persons  of  this  Trinity
               whereasArius differentiated in such way the Father and the Son that he was not God anymore
               nor  consubstantial  with  the  Father:  both  would  be  condemned  as  heretics  for  the  Catholic
               Doctrine. And what was the truth? According to what was decided in Nicaea, in 325, a Council
               of three hundred Bishops, Jesus Christ answered to the formula consubstantialis Patri, i.e.,
               he  was  consubstantial  with  the  Father,  of  his  same  substance,  God  as  Him.  Thence,  the
               religious difference that separated Goths and Romans treated about the complex concept of the
               consubstantiality between God and the Verb of God, difference that would not reach to explain
               the Goths obstinacy at least that could be considered that with this was preserving a Culture, a
               tradition, and a lifestyle. Perhaps it would not be evidenced on its real dimension the danger of
               immersion  in  the  Roman  Culture  that  was  denounced  by  the  nationalists  Goths  if  it  is  not
               repaired  in  the  third  point,  about  the  numeric  disproportion  between  both  populations:
               because the Visigoths only counted two hundred thousand; it means, that a community of two
               hundred thousand members, just arrived, had to dominate a native population of nine millions
               of Hispanic-Romans, exponents of a high grade of civilization. At the light of such quantities it
               is better understood the reticence of the Goths to suppress the religious and juristic differences
               that isolated them from the Hispanic-Romans.
                      The reality of their scarse number obeyed the Visigoths to tolerate the religion of the
               Hispanic-Romans although without ceding an apex in their Arians convictions. However, even
               by  the  desperation  of  the  nationalists,  the  universality  in  that  time  of  a  world  which  was
               Roman and Catholic was penetrating them from everywhere and finally they had to accept a
               cultural integration that, indeed, was already consummated. In the year 589 the King Reccared
               became  Catholic  during  the  III  Council  of  Toledo  fulfilling  the  religious  unification  of  the
               populations of Spain. Being the Goths an Indo-Germanic Race, that was counted amongst the
               last one who abandoned the Pact of Blood, i.e., who were amongst the ones of Purer Blood of
               the Earth, it is easy to conclude that their presence in the peninsula could only benefit to the
               House of Tharsis; but such step taken by Reccared would elevate, now without obstacles, the
               Lords of Tharsis to the most noble dignities of the Court of Toledo: since the VII century the

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