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737, that to the Christian States resulted impossible to go across the Pyrenees to Spain.
Thence, the supposition of the Lords of Tharsis was very realistic, as also was their
Strategy to face the circumstance.
Immediately they understood that the Arabs only respected two things: the Force and
the Wisdom. Who resisted them with enough courage as to wake up their respect could obtain
concessions from them. And only the admiration that they experimented for the Wisdom, and
for those who had it, allowed them to tolerate the religious differences: one thing was a
Christian and other a Wise Christian; to the first was necessary to force to embrace the Islam,
was what the prophet ordered; and second to convince him of the Islamic Truth, luring him
without prejudice to the Arab Culture. Since then that the Lords of Tharsis decided to show
friendly with them and to demonstrate, conclusively, that they formed part of a Wise family.
This attitude not constituted a betrayal to the catholic religion because the Lords of Tharsis
continued being «Pagans», i.e., they continued sustaining the Cult of the Cold Fire, and due to
the majority of the Goth-Hispanic population, now called «Mozarabs», was integrating little by
little to the Arab Culture, adopting its language and religion. The Lords of Tharsis would
become in exponent of the knowledge on its highest level and would be for centuries teachers
of the Arab learning centres of Seville and Cordova, obtaining for this collaboration, and for the
economic contributions of the Village of Turdes, the right to profess the Christian religion and
to maintain as private Temple the Basilica of Our Lady of the Grotto.
The members of the Chosen People, as it is logic, took advantage of their influence to
encourage persecutions against Christians, and especially against the House of Tharsis, during
all the time that the Arab occupation lasted. However, loyal to their Talmudic principles, they
tried to continue with their corrupting task in detriment now of the Arab society, what meant
that the Saracens, achieved the objective of conquering Spain, would forget soon their favors
and would submit them to periodic persecutions.
Fifteenth Day
It is convenient to inform you at this point of the history, Dr., about the reappearance of
the Golems. As I said the Sixth Day, apart from their presence, always scarce among the
Phoenicians and Carthaginians, had arrived massively to Europe since the IV century B.C.
«accompanying an Scythian population from Asia Minor»; such population received many
names, according to the country where it transited or established: fundamentally they were
Celts, but they were known as Gauls, Irish, Scots, Bretons, Welsh, Cornwalls, Galatians,
Galician, Lusitanians, etc. Let’s see now with more detail how was that the Golems united
with the Celts, and what is their real origin.
I will explain later the meaning of the Tablets of the Law that Moses received from
YHVH when he sealed His Covenant with the Chosen People. Now it is appropriate to resume
that the Tablets of the Law contain the Secret of the Serpent, that's to say, the description of
the twenty two voices that the Creator God employed to realize his work, and the ten Aspects,
or Sephiroth, with which he manifested in the World when he executed the Creation: are the