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P. 94
«Britain», but the final objective is Ireland, that is, «Hibernia». In the first centuries of the
Christian Age were not many the Golems who moved loosely for Europe: in the IV century,
when the practice of the Pagan Cults was punished with the death sentence, didn't seem to be
Golems in the Roman-Christians regions anymore. In fact, in that time the Gauls and Hibernia
were totally Romanized and, in the regions were Paganism was still practiced, the Catholic
missionaries overthrown the Pagan temples, sometimes centennial trees, and put the Golems
to flight. Invariably, they depart to Great Britain or Ireland.
The arrival of the barbarians in the V century not gives them a chance to re-establish
their power because these populations are Arian Christians and of Germanic Race, traditionally
enemy of the Celts who were also considered barbarii. Thus, in the Visigoth Kingdom of Spain,
the Lords of Tharsis will receive the impression that, finally, they had disappeared from the
Earth. However, the contrary was about to occur, due to in a very little time the Golems would
be protagonist of the most spectacular return. Yes, because the Golems didn't return to Europe
to comply their old role of Pagan Priests of the God One, to comply with the mission of
gathering the Cults in the ritual Sacrifice: now were other times; such mission would be in
direct hands of the Chosen People, who would offer to The One the Sacrifice of all the
Gentile or Goyim Mankind. The White Fraternity had entrusted to the Golems, in turn, the
performance of a superior function, an occupation that would benefit as never before the
unification of mankind. For that reason they not returned this time as Pagan Priests but as
«Christians»; and not only as «Christians» but as «Catholic Romans»; and not only as
Catholics but as «missionary monks» of the Catholic Church; and they would be considered
«wise constructors» of the Church, absurd title which mention would bring ironic laughs to
the Men of Stone.
This is a long history that here I only able to resume, and has its principle in the plans of
the White Fraternity. The Traitor Gods, to comply their Pacts with the Creator God and the
Potencies of the Matter, they had to make easier Control of the World for the Chosen People.
For it would be necessary to fasten definitively the materialistic way of life founded in
the Cultural Pact, that's to say, would be necessary to fasten the Cult in the Roman-Germanic
societies formed recently in Europe. And the best form to fasten the Cult, just as is deducted of
what I exposed the Third Day, is to formalize it and to impress that form in the masses; to
centralize the society around the form of the Cult. Where the form of the Cult begins, what is
the most visible extreme for the masses? Evidently, the Cult begins with the Temple, the first
that appear to the believer. In reality, the most important of the Cult is the Ritual; but every
place where the Ritual is practiced is a Temple because the Temple is the Sacred Space where
the Ritual can be realized: the apparent priority of the Temple originates in that, effectively, a
Temple can exits, in other words, a Sacred Space or Core of metaphysical Manifestation,
without a Ritual, but it is impossible to conceive that a Ritual can be executed out of a Sacred
Space or Temple. The plan of the White Fraternity to fasten the Cult started then, by the
massive implantation of Temples and by the evolution in the form of the Temples in
concordance with the objectives of the Ritual.
But such plans aimed to a final objective much more complex: the instauration of a
World Government in hands of the Chosen People. The White Fraternity would create the
adequate cultural conditions to make that a future society could accept the form of the