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«progressist monarchy» was gathered around the family of the King Wamba, who died in 680.
               Egica, who was member of Wamba's family, arrange the succession to the Throne of his son
               Witiza,  who  started  to  reign  in  the  year  702.  Meanwhile,  in  the  Beatica,  governs  the  Duke
               Roderick, from Chindasvinto's clan. When Witiza died in 710, the Aula Regia of Toledo, where
               those  from  the  party  from  Chindasvinto  won  majority,  proclaims  new  King  to  Roderick.
               Despised the sons of Witiza, at the same time governors of provinces and functionaries, for
               what they consider a dispossession, ask to the Jews for an interview with the General Musa bin
               Nusayr. In the mean time, they revolt the Tarraconensis, the Narbonensis and the Navarre,
               obeying  Roderick  to  concentrate  all  his  forces  in  the  North  to  suffocate  the  uprising:  these
               campaigns cause the interruption of the supplies to Ceuta, that result rapidly crushed by the
               Arabs. Finally he goes to Africa that embassy of traitors: it was integrated by the sons of Witiza,
               Olmund, Ardabast and Akhila, and the brothers of the deceased King, Sisebert and the Bishop
               of Seville, Oppas, who was accompanied by the Great Rabbi of Seville, Isaak. Incredibly, Earl
               Julian, who entered to the service of Musa after his cession of the area, and influenced by a
               personal enmity with Roderick, advises the Arab General to intervene in Spain.
                      Musa  promised  them  sending  help  to  overthrow  Roderick.  The  traitors  return  and
               simulate to pact the peace with the King, who not distrusted. In 711 the Berber general Tariq
               transport in four ships an army composed by Arabs and Berbers, and disembarked in Gibraltar.
                      Roderick,  who  was  still  fighting  against  the  Basques  in  the  North,  had  to  cross  the
               country to cut the pass of Tariq who was on way to Seville. The battle took place in the shores
               of the Guadelete river: the rows of Roderic are in command of two columns and the brothers of
               Witiza; when the encounter took place the traitors Sisbert and the Bishop Oppas passed to the
               side  of  Tariq,  leaving  King  Roderick  in  a  compromising  position;  and  after  many  days  of
               combats, the Visighotic army resulted completely annihilated by Tariq, remaining unknown the
               fate of the last Visigothic King. The «help» given  by the Arabs and Jews to the followers of
               Witiza would not redound in benefit of these because the next year the General Musa, at the
               head of a more powerful army, would initiate the conquest of Spain; in a few years the whole
               peninsula, except for a small region in Asturias, would fall in his power. Spain was converted in
               such way, in an Emirate dependent of the Khlifa of Damascus.
                      Although  as  the  Christian  Re-conquest  advanced  the  Arab  dominion  decreased,  the
               Beatica remained occupied for more than five hundred years. For the House of Tharsis, the
               Visighotic catastrophe didn't accuse other effect than the immediate loss of the political power:
               «The Counts of Turdes Valter» returned to be «The Lords of Tharsis», who had already ample
               experience surviving to similar situations, they were completely conscious that for the moment
               not  existed  in  Europe  a  military  force  capable  to  expel  the  Arabs  from  Spain:  the  Emir  al-
               Muhajjar, who governed between the years 718 and 720, achieved to cross the Pyrenees and to
               take the city or Narbonne, attacking from there the Frank territories; only the noble Pelagius
               resist them and achieved to maintain a region under the Christian dominion in the mountains
               of Cantabria and the Pyrenees: from this nucleus would appear in the Kingdom of Asturias, to
               which later, in the X century, would be added León and Castile, and would be formed in the IX
               Catalonia and Navarre and in the XI century Aragon, by successive re-conquests of territories to
               the Arabs. But in the year 732 the Emir of Cordova, the Abd al-Rahman, was moving loosely
               through  the  Gaul  and  was  conquering  Bordeaux:  only  the decision of  Charles  Martel  would
               avoid the conquest and destruction of the Frank Kingdom; but was also clear, since the year

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