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P. 114

Austrian  and  German  Hohenstaufen.  Is  in  that  Prince  where  the  Golems,  and  the  White
               Fraternity, have supported all the weight of their Strategy: Frederick, educated as Cistercian
               monk and Templar Knight by the Golems of the Normand court of his mother Constance of
               Sicily,  would  have  to  wield  with  a  vigor  never  seen,  since  the  times  of  Charlemagne,  the
               temporal  Sword  of  the  Kings  and  submit  it  to  the  spiritual  Sword  of  the  Church;  then  the
               Spiritual Sword, which is the Cross of Jesus Christ and the Plan of the Temple, would be the
               settlement  of  the  World's  Throne,  a  seat  for  the  Messiah  of  the  Creator  God  or  his
               representatives. But is in this moment when Frederick rebelled early against such plan.
                      Frederick II is crowned German King in 1212 with the auspice of Innocent III and the
               manifested  approval  of  Philip  II  Augustus,  King  of  France.  In  principle  he  made  what  was
               expected from him and in 1213, with only eighteen years, he promulgated the Golden Bull in
               favor of the Church, in which was confirmed the totality of his territorial possessions, inclusive
               those improperly appropriated after the death of Henry VI; he accepted, also, to renounce, as
               any other future German King, to the election of Bishops and Abbots. It is evident then, the
               initial predisposition of the young King to comply with the plans of the Golem Church.
                      However, promptly such attitude began to change, until it became totally hostile to his
               old protectors; the reasons were two: the positive reaction of his Pure Blood Heritage thanks
               to the historical proximity of the Grail, concept that I will explain later; and the influence of
               certain Hyperborean Initiates that the own Frederick II made come to his Court of Palermo
               from further countries of Asia, and whose history I won't be able to stop and relate in this
               letter. The important was that the Emperor started to refuse from the Golems’ idea, which was
               being  amply  published  by  the  Benedictine  Order  that  the  world  had  to  be  reigned  by  a
               Theocratic  Messiah,  a  Priest  placed  by  the  Creator  God  above  the  Kings  of  the  Earth.
               Contrarily, affirmed Frederick II, the world was awaiting an Imperial Messiah, a King of the
               Pure Blood who would impose his Power by the unanimous recognizance of the Lord of the
               Earth, a King that would be the First of the Spirit and who would found an Aristocracy of the
               Pure Blood in which would only have place the brave ones, the noblest, the hardest, those who
               didn’t bow down before the Cult of the Potencies of the Matter. Frederick II, naturally, felt
               called to occupy that place.
                      The doctrine that Frederick II expressed with great clarity was the synthesis of an idea
               which has been developing among the members of his Lineage since the Emperor Henry I, the
               Fowler. In principle, such idea constituted the intuition that the real power was legitimized
               only by an Aristocracy of the Spirit, which was connected to the blood. Then it was evident, and
               due  to  this  was  becoming  firmer,  that  if  the  King  was  legitimate,  his  power  could  not  be
               affected by the forces of another orderif they were not spirituals: sovereignty was spiritual and
               therefore Divine; only to God corresponded to intervene with justice above the will of the King.
                      This concept was essentially opposed to the sustained by the Golems, in the sense that
               the Pope represented God above the Earth, hence, corresponded to him the subjection of the
               will  of  the  Kings.  The  Pope  Gelasius  I,  already  in  492-496,  had  declared  that  existed  two
               independent powers: the spiritual Church and the temporal State; against the dangerous idea
               that had been developing in the Lineage of the Ottomans and Salians, Saint Bernard formalized
               the gelasian thesis in the «Theory of the Two Swords». According to Saint Bernard, the spiritual
               and temporal power, are analogous to two Swords; but, as the spiritual power comes from God,
               the temporal Sword must be submitted to the spiritual Sword; ergo: the representative of God

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