Page 116 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 116
authorizing them the complete jurisdiction of their countries: in the practice, this meant that
issues as the currency, market, the justice, the police, and the fortifications, remained forever
subjected to the power of Territorial Lords, not having the King, neither the Pope, any
executive power in their respective countries.
After the death of Frederick II, in 1250, the Golem Church would never get another
similar chance to comply with the plans of the White Fraternity: in Germany will supervene the
Interregnum, during which the Territorial Lords will become more and more powerful and
independent; and in France, will govern Philip IV, the Fair, who will conclude with the work of
Frederick II proceeding to annihilate the Order of the Temple and to dismantle the
infrastructure of the financial Synarchy.
As second cause of the failure of the Golem plan, the main cause, the esoteric cause, I
have mentioned the «opposition of the Hyperborean Wisdom»: with such denomination I am
referring, logically, to the conscious opposition that certain sectors carried out against the
secret intrigues of the Golems and their Cistercian and Templar organizations.
These sectors, that comprehended the Hyperborean Wisdom, contributed in a
significant manner to determine the Golems failure; were many groups, but amongst the main
ones I will cite the Bogomils in Italy, the Cathars in France, and the Lords of Tharsis in Spain.
The Lords of Tharsis had become strong in Spain, in the Muslim region as in the
Christian: in Turdes, they conserved their bishopric and the property of the Village, where a
part of the family remained all the year; in Cordova and Toledo, always lived the clerics that
were dedicated to the teaching; and in Catalonia and Aragon, and inclusive in many European
countries, dwelled those who were theologians and doctors, and received the invitation of some
Lords to officiate as counselors or to instruct the royal families. But, wherever they were, the
Lords of Tharsis never forgot their Destiny, and all their efforts were dedicated to obey those
two principles sworn by the Men of Stone: to preserve the Wise Sword and to comply with the
familiar mission. Their priority was then, to survive; but to survive as a Lineage, what obeyed to
maintain themselves permanently informed about the enemy Strategy due to one of the
strategic objectives declared by the Enemy demanded, precisely, the extermination of the
House of Tharsis. In the XIII century, the Lords of Tharsis had perfectly clear the plans of the
White Fraternity and they knew how closer were the Golems to fulfill them. To oppose to those
plans, without risking the security of the Lineage, the Lords of Tharsis comprehended that they
needed to work protected by an Order of the Church, an Order that, naturally, would not be
controlled by the Golems neither reigned by the Benedictine Rule: of course, such Order not
existed. The honor to found it, and save by its mediate the healthier part of Christianity,
would correspond to Saint Dominic.
Twentieth Day