Page 117 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 117

Since this day I will examine, Dr. Siegnagel, the Cathar issue, the most significative of
               the productions of the Hyperborean Wisdom that opposed to the plans of the White Fraternity
               in the XIII century. Was in the context of the Catharism, when Saint Dominic Founded the
               Order of Preachers that would allow to the Lords of Tharsis to act covert. It is necessary then,
               to describe such context to make that the searched objective by Saint Dominic and the Lords of
               Tharsis results clear.
                      After all, it should be noted that to qualify the Catharism of «heresy» it is as absurd as to
               do it with the Buddhism or the Islam: as these, Catharism was another religion, different to
               the Catholic. Heresy is, by definition, dogmatic error about the official Doctrine of the Church;
               is  not  heretic  who  profess  another  religion  but  who  distort  or  awry  interpret  the  Catholic
               dogma, just as Arius, or the own Templar Golems who were the most satanic of their Age. Of
               course  that  even  though  then  would  have  been  accepted  that  the  Cathars  practiced  other
               religion, as the Saxons, that would have not meant any difference in the result: nothing could
               save them from the extermination sentence of the Golems. Heretics were, undoubtedly, the
               Arians; but would not be the Cathars: they were effectively, enemies of the Church, which they
               called the «Synagoge of Satan».
                      To comprehend the problem it must be considered that what the Cathars really knew
               was the Hyperborean  Wisdom, which they taught using symbols taken  from the Mazdaism,
               Zurvanism, the Gnosticism, the Judeo-Christianity, etc. Hence, they preached that the Good
               was of absolute spiritual nature and that it was totally out from this World; the Spirit was
               Uncreated and Eternal and it came from the Origin of  Good; the Evil, on the contrary,
               had as nature all the material and created; the World of the Matter, where the animal-
               man  live,  was  intrinsically  malignant;  the  World  had  been  Created  by  Jehovah  Satan,  a
               demonic Demiurge; they rejected, therefore, the Bible, that was the «Word of Satan», and they
               specially denied the Genesis, where was narrated the act to Create the World by the Demon; the
               Roman Church, that accepted the Bible was then, the «Synagogue of Satan», the abode of the
               Demon; the animal-man, created by Satan, had two natures: the material body and the
               Soul; to them had been attached the Uncreated Spirit, which remained thenceforth
               prisoner of the Matter; the Spirit unable to free itself, resided in the Soul, and the
               Soul  animated  the  material  body,  which  was  immersed  in  the  Evil  of  the  Material
               World; the Spirit was then, sunk in Hell, condemned to the pain and suffering that
               Jehovah Satan imposed to the animal-man.
                      The Cathars, that's to say, the «Pure» Men, had to pretend the Good. That meant that
               the Spirit had to return to its Origin, abhorring previously the Evil of the Material World. They
               assured that the Holy Spirit was always disposed to help the prisoner Spirit in the
               Matter and that responded to the request of the Pure Men; thereby, the Cathars had the
               power to transmit the Holy Spirit to the necessitous of help by means of the laying on of hands,
               act  which  they  denominated  «Consolamentum».  They  affirmed,  also,  the  existence  of  an
               Eternal an Uncreated Kristos, who they called «Lucibel», who used to descend voluntarily
               to  the  Hell  of  the  Created  World  to  liberate  the  Spirit  of  men;  they  denied  the  cross  for
               constituting a symbol of the spiritual incarceration and human suffering; they were staunch
               iconoclastic and they not admitted any form for the representation of the spiritual truths; they
               practiced the poverty and ascetism, and distrusted of the riches and material goods, especially

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