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P. 118

if they proceeded from people who call themselves religious; they sustained that the highest
               virtue was the comprehension and expression of the Truth, and that the major error was the
               acceptance  and  propagation  of  the  lie;  they  reduced  the  alimentation  to  the  minimum  and
               recommended  not  to  abuse  from  sex;  they  prohibited  the  procreation  of  sons  due  to  it
               contributed to perpetuate the incarceration of the Spirit in the Matter.
                      It is evident, Dr. Siegnagel, that the concepts as the Cathar religion not came from a
               Catholic heresy but from the Hyperborean Wisdom. However, who didn't know such filiation or
               were fanatized and controlled by the Golems, were not difficult to convince them that it was
               treating about a diabolic heresy; especially if the gaze was directed on the exterior form of the
               Catharism. Because the Cathars, with the declared finality to compete against the Catholics for
               the favor of the people, they had also organized as a Church. The reason of this decision, that
               will face them in a disadvantageous manner with a catholic Europe already conditioned by the
               idea that it was legitimate to mount military «Crusades» against populations that professed
               another religion, has to be searched in the ancestral beliefs of the Occitanian population.
                      Undoubtedly, existed connections between the Cathars and the bogomil Manicheans of
               Bulgaria, Bosnia, Dalamatia, Serbia and Lombardy, but those contacts were natural between
               populations  or  communities  that  shared  the  heredity  of  the  Hyperborean  Wisdom  and  not
               involved any dependence. The Catharism was, rather, a local product of the country of Oc, a
               medieval fruit of the Iberian racial trunk. The ancient Iberian population of Oc, as the one from
               Tharsis, not suffered much Celt influence, in contradistinction to the Iberians from the regions
               of the Hispania and from the Gauls that were racially confused with them and fell promptly
               under the power of the Golems. In Oc the Gauls didn’t achieve to ally with the Iberians, even if
               they  dominated  the  region  for  centuries,  with  great  displeasure  of  the  Golems  who  would
               appeal to all their resources to broke their racial purity. However, the Occitans would mingle
               then with the more related populations, in similar manner to the Tartessians, especially with
               the  Greeks,  the  Romans,  and  the  Goths.  In  a  remote  past,  the  White  Atlanteans  had
               communicated them the same Wisdom of their brothers in the Iberian Peninsula, to include
               them in the Pact of Blood. So, they possessed, their own Stone of Venus and they lost it in
               hands  of  the  Golems  when  these  Priests  of  the  Cultural  Pact  favored  the  invasions  of  the
               Volcae Tectosages and Arecomicis, the Bebryces, Vellavi, Gabali, Helvii, apart to install
               themselves  in  the  Mediterranean  coast  with  the  Phoenicians  and  their  colonies  in  Agde,
               Narbonne, Port-Vendres, which later was called «Port of Astarte».
                      Well, apart from what I have already remembered about the Iberian Wisdom of the Pact
               of  Blood,  it  must  be  added  here  a  particular  legend  which  was  quite  diffused  among  the
               Pyrenees. According to it, the White Atlanteans had deposited in a cavern of the region another
               Stone of Venus, that they called the Grail of Kristos Lucifer. Such Stone, that the Envoy of
               the Unknowable God brought, not now to reflect the Sign of the Origin to a few Initiates, but to
               connect  charismatically  and  to  liberate  spiritually  a  whole  racial  community,  would  be  only
               found  in  determinant  historical  moments.  They  believed  that  the  motive  was  the  next:  the
               Grail constituted a tabula regia imperialis, that’s to say, the Grail informed with exactitude
               who was the King of the Pure Blood, to whom corresponded to govern the people by the Virtue
               of  his  spirituality  and  racial  purity;  but  the  Grail  had  the  Power  to  reveal  the  leadership
               communicating  it  charismatically  in  the  Pure  Blood  of  the  Race:  it  was  not  necessary  the
               Physical  Presence  of  the  Stone  of  Venus  to  hearken  the  message;  however,  if  the  racial

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