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P. 122
The Cathar Church lacked of Rituals, Temples, and Sacraments: the Cathars only allowed
themselves the preaching, the exposition of the Gospel of Kristos Lucibel to every believer. And
resulted that the indefatigable preaching extended the Catharism every day, as an epidemic,
through the country of Languedoc, causing the consequent alarm of the Catholic Church whose
Temples were empty and their Priests despised and aggrieved. The Pure Men attributed the
success to the proximity of the «historical moment» in which would appear the Grail. But, what
in a beginning was just conviction, one day, when the Catharism was in the zenith of the
popular adhesion, it turned effective reality: in the late XII century, many Pure Men assured to
have seen physically the Grail and received its transmutative Power.
In the county of Foix, in middle Pyrenean region, was located the Seigniory of Raymond
de Péreille, which included, apart from castles, villages, and cultivation fields, a mountain peak
very abrupt in which summit existed an ancient fortress in ruins. The name of such place was
Montsegur and the Lord, as well as all his family and subordinates, were counted amongst the
believers of the Cathar Church. In the year 1202 the Pure Men solicited to Raymond de Péreille
the construction in Montsegur of an strange stone building of pentagonal asymmetric form:
improper for the defense, inadequate to dwell, aesthetically shocking, the work was conceived,
however, according to the Highest Hyperborean Strategy. Its function had nothing to do with
the defense, the dwelling, or the beauty, but with the Grail, with the Physical Manifestation of
the Grail: Montsegur would be a reference area from where the Initiates could localize
the Grail, or, inclusive, to approach physically to it. Its function not consisted then, in to
serve as deposit to «guard» the Grail due to the Grail can't be inside or outside of anything: as
the Spirit, Eternal and infinite, the reality of the Grail is Beyond the Origin. But, to localize the
Origin, meant the liberation of the incarcerated Spirit to the Matter and to facilitate such
localization, the Grail approaches to the asleep men; and Montsegur would be then, the
Strategic Wall from where the Grail would be seen, would be found the orientation towards the
Origin, the Spirit would be rediscovered to Itself and the Voice of the Pure Blood would be
listened again. And the Grail would speak and reveal to the White Race the identity of the King
of the Pure Blood, the Universal Emperor.
In sum, Dr., from Montsegur the Grail, as stone, could be found and taken by the
pure men; but, while remaining in the Strategic Wall, the Grail would not be inside
but out of Montsegur because the technique of the referential fenced area demands
it; instead, once taken outside, could be transported if it is desired to any other site
because the reference would be conserved while the fenced referential area and the
Initiates who operate it exist. Naturally, the Grail can be localized always, from any
place that constitutes a liberated area in the space of the Demiurge, an occupied area
to the Potencies of the Matter according to the techniques of the Hyperborean
Wisdom of the White Atlanteans, a site where the Illusion of the Great Deceit would
not be acting: Yes, Dr.; from such strategic area, in every place, the Hyperborean
Initiates, being Wise Warriors, Men of Stone, or Pure Men, could find the Grail of
Kristos Lucifer whenever they wish: but, will not be necessary to insist on it, the
constructed Strategic Walls, would not be neither similar to the ones of Montsegur,
due to the inconstant distribution of the matter in the universal space obeys to
change duly the Form of the employed Strategy.