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P. 124

Rhône  and marched towards the country of Oc; as chief  of the same, Innocent III  named a
               Golem who seemed to have emerged from the own entrails of Hell: Arnaud Amalric, abbot of
               Cîteaux,  mother  monastery  of  the  Cistercian  Order.  The  army  of  Satan,  composed  by  three
               hundred and fifty thousand crusaders, promptly found themselves sieging the little fortified
               city  of  Béziers;  the  extermination  sentence  would  be  finally  accomplished!  hours  later  the
               defenders yielded a gate and the infernal troops are disposed to conquer the area; the military
               chiefs  interrogate  Arnaud  Amalric  about  the  mode  to  distinguish  the  Heretics  from  the
               Catholics,  to  what  the  Abbot  of  Cîteaux  responded  –«Kill  them,  kill  them  all.  For  the  Lord
               knows who are His own»–. Noble and commoners, women and  children, men and  old men,
               Catholics  and  Heretics,  the  totality  of  the  thirty  thousand  inhabitants  of  Béziers  were
               decapitated or burnt in the next moments. The corpse of Béziers is the Eucharistic Lamb of the
               Communion of the Crusaders, the Sacrament of Blood and Fire that constitutes the Sacrifice to
               Creator  God  One  Jehovah  Satan.  Punishment  of  the  Creator  God,  Sentence  of  the  White
               Fraternity,  Sanction  of  the  Swarthy  Atlanteans,  Expiation  of  the  Priests,  Golem  Vengeance,
               Hebrew Lesson, Catholic Penance, the slaughter of Béziers is archetypal: have been and will be,
               always, when the populations of Pure Blood try to recover their Hyperborean Heritage; until
               the Final Battle.
                      After Béziers  fell Carcassonne, where five hundred  Heretics were  burnt, disposed the
               autochthonous prelates, and when the Viscount Raymond Roger was captured and humiliated.
                      Peter II reached to Carcassonne to intercede for his vassal and friend without obtaining
               anything of the papal legacy: this impotence gives an idea of the power acquired by the Church,
               in  those  centuries,  about  the  «Temporal  Kings».  The  King  Aragon  withdrew  then,  and  he
               concentrates  in  the  other  Crusade,  which  is  being  carried  out  simultaneously:  the  struggle
               against the Muslims of Spain; he believes that participating from this prowess his honor would
               not involve, as would be the case if he intervenes in the repression of his subjects; nevertheless,
               the lack of honor was already huge because he abandoned them in hands of his worse foes.
               While the Golem Crusade goes exterminating the Cathars castle by castle, and seeks to destroy
               the County of Tolosa, Peter II face with success to the Muslims in the re-conquest of Valencia.
                      He returns, finally, to Narbonne, where he gathered with the Cathars Counts of Tolosa
               and Foix, and with the military chief of the Crusade, Simon of Montfort, and the papal legacies;
               once again, he didn't obtain anything, but this time his catholic condition is questioned and he
               was threatened with the excommunication; he ended to accept the indiscriminate repression
               and confirming the rapine effectuated by Simon: agrees that, if the Counts of Tolosa and Foix
               not  apostatized  from  the  Catharism,  those  titles  would  be  transferred.  Therefore,  Peter  II
               believed that the Crusade only achieved the end of the «heresy» and that his sovereignty over
               the  Languedoc  would  not  be  questioned.  Is  in  this  way  that,  as  «proof  of  good  faith»,  is
               arranged the marriage of his son James with the daughter of Simon de Montfort: but James,
               the future King of Aragon James I the Conqueror, has only two years; Peter II gives him to
               Simon  for  his  education,  i.e.,  as  hostage,  and  he  rushes  to  situate  him  behind  the  walls  of
                      Then, Peter II joined in the fight against the Almohads, with the King of Castile Alfonso
               VIII,  and  remained  two  years  dedicated  to  the  Re-conquest  of  Spain.  After  complying  a
               prominent role in the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, he returned to Aragon, where the joyless
               surprise that the Crusaders of Christ have distributed his lands and threaten to request the

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