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dwellers were passed by knife; but the Grail, once again, not disappeared.
                      The Golems would not forget the episode and then, in full «conquest of America» by
               Spain, a legion of Jesuits, natural heirs of the Benedictines and Templars, would settle down in
               the region to localize and try to steal the Stone of Venus. But all the quests would be fruitless
               and, on the contrary, the Presence of the Grail would be making feel in an irresistible manner
               over  the  Spaniards  dwellers,  purifying  the  Pure  Blood  and  predisposing  the  population  to
               recognize the Universal Emperor. In the XIX, Dr. Siegnagel, an analogous miracle to the one
               that occurred with the civilization of Oc was just to be repeated: the Republic of Paraguay was
               rising with own light over the nations of America. In fact, such country had a powerful and well
               equipped  army,  own  fleet,  railroad,  heavy  industry,  flourishing  agriculture,  and  an  enviable
               social  organization,  with  a  very  advanced  legislation  for  the  Age,  in  which  stood  out  the
               obligatory and free education: in 1850. The population was extremelly proud of their Lineage,
               and  knew  to  admire  the  spirituality  and  courage  of  their  Chiefs.  Of  course,  to  the  White
               Fraternity  not  resulted  pleasurable  the  course  that  such  society  was  taking,  that would  not
               agree  to  integrate  the  scheme  of  the  «international  division  of  work»  proposed  then  as  the
               model  of  the  economic  world  order:  such  ordination  was  the  previous  step  for  the
               accomplishment in the XX century of the Financial Synarchy and the World Government of the
               Chosen People, some ancient plans which, as I have  clarified, were frustrated in the  Middle
               Ages.  For  the  White  Fraternity,  the  Paraguayan  people  was  going  sick;  and  the  virus  that
               affected them was the «nationalism», the worst modern enemy of the synarchic plans.
                      The height of the situation occurred in 1863, when the Grail appeared again and
               confirmed to all that the Marshal Francisco Solano López is a King of the Pure Blood,
               a Lord of War, a Universal Emperor. Then was decreed the extermination sentence against
               the  Paraguayan  people  and  the  dynasty  of  Solano  López.  Thereupon  a  new  Crusade  was
               announced  in  all  ambits:  Argentina,  Brazil  and  Uruguay  will  contribute  the  means  and  the
               troops, but behind those semi-colonial countries is England, i.e., the English Masonry, Golem
               and Hebrew organization. At the head of the crusader army that  now  was called «allied», is
               placed the Argentinian General Bartolomé Mitre, a mason entirely subordinated to the British
               interests. But the capacity to officiate as Golem Hangman demonstrates that the General Mitre
               exceeds widely the diabolic cruelty of Arnaud Amalric and Simon de Montfort: and is logic, due
               to  the  patience  of  the  Enemy  ended  centuries  ago  and  now  pretends  to  give  an  exemplary
               punishment,  a  lesson  that  demonstrate  clearly  that  the  path  of  the  spiritual  and  racial
               nationalism won't be tolerated anymore.
                      The  War  of  the  Triple  Alliance  started  in  1865.  In  1870,  when  the  armies  of  Satan
               occupied Asunción and the Marshal Solano López died fighting in Cerro Corá, the war ends and
               leaves  the  this  consequences:  the  population  of  Paraguay  before  the  war:  1.300.000
               inhabitants;  population  after  the  capitulation:  300.000  inhabitants.  Bezier,  Carcassonne,
               Tolosa, are children games before 1.000.000 of dead, Dr. Siegnagel! And it is not necessary to
               add that of the 300.000 survivors many were women, old men and Indians; to the population
               of Hispanic origin, which was hardened and proud, was exterminated without mercy, house by
               house,  in  dreadful  massacres  that  caused  the  delight  of  the  Potencies  of  the  Matter.  Once
               again, Perseus had beheaded Medusa. One million of heroic Paraguayans, with their Pure Blood
               chief, was the sacrifice that the satanic forces offered to the God One in the XIX century, in
               such remote country of South America, where, nevertheless, was manifested the transmuting

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