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P. 132

In the next years, Saint Dominic tried to carry out the plan of Petreño and founded a
               semi-secular brotherhood, to the type of the Chivalric Orders, denominated «Militia Christi»,
               from which would emerge the Tertuis ordo de paenitentia Sancti Dominici, whose members
               were  known  as  «Tertiary  Friars»;  but  soon  this  organization  resulted  ineffective  for  the
               searched objectives and had to be thought in something more perfect and of greater amplitude.
                      For  many  years  was  planned  the  new  Order,  taking  in  consideration  the  collected
               experience and the formidable task that was proposed to carry out, this is, to fight against the
               Golem strategy: collaborated with Saint Dominic in such projects a group of sixteen Initiates,
               coming from different places of the Languedoc who gathered periodically in Tolosa, amongst
               them was the Bishop Fulco. As a consequence of those speculations was decided that the most
               convenient was to create a «Hyperborean Circle» hidden behind a Catholic Order: the «Circle»
               would be a super-secret Society directed by the Lords of Tharsis, which would operate inside of
               the new monastic Order. Only in this way, they concluded, would be obtained the searched
               objective with the principle of security.
                      Such secret group, integrated in a beginning just by sixteen Initiates that I’ve already
               mentioned, was called Circulus Domini Canis, i.e., Circle of the Lords of the Dog. That name is
               explained  remembering  the  premonitory  dream  of  the  Mother  of  Dominic  de  Guzmán,  in
               which his future son appeared as a dog who carried a burning axe, and considering, that for the
               Initiates  in  the  Cold  Fire  the  «Dog»  was  a  representation  of  the  «Soul»  and  the  «Lord»,  par
               excellence, was the Spirit: in every Hyperborean Initiate the Spirit must dominate the Soul and
               assume the function of «Lord of the Dog»; thence, the adopted denomination for the Circle of
               Initiates, which also had the advantage of being confused with the name Dominicani, that is,
               Dominicans, that the people gave to the monks of Dominic de Guzmán. It must be added that
               to be a «Lord of the Dog» in the Mystical of the Cold Fire is analogous to be a Lord of the Horse,
               which means a «Knight», in the Mysticism of the Knight age, where the Soul is symbolized by
               the Horse.
                      One of the Initiates, Pedro Cellari, had donated many houses in Tolosa: some of them
               were destined to secret places for meeting of the Circle and others were adapted for their use of
               the future Order. When all was ready, was arranged to obtain the authorization of Innocent III
               for the foundation of preacher mendicants Order, similar to the founded by Saint Francis of
               Assisi in 1210: to this Order Innocent III had approved immediately, but the new solicitude
               came now from Tolosa, a country in Holy War in which everybody was suspect of heresy; and
               was  necessary  to  act  with  caution;  the  plan  was  ambitious  but  just  the  unquestionable
               personality of Saint Dominic would smooth away all difficulties, just as the own Saint Francis
               did; it must not be forgotten that the Golem controlled all the occidental monasticism from the
               Benedictine Order and that they were hostile to the creation of new independent Orders. The
               opportunity  was  presented  only  in  1215,  when  the  Bishop  Fulco  was  convoked  to  the  IV
               General Council of Lateran and took with him Saint Dominic.
                      There they stumbled with the closed negative of Innocent III who, as it is known, only
               cede after dreaming with the Basilica of Lateran, threatening to collapse, was sustained in the
               shoulders  of  Dominic  de  Guzmán.  However,  the  authorization  was  merely  oral,  although
               perfectly  legal,  and  was  limited  to  accept  the  Rule  of  Saint  Agustine  reformed  proposed  by
               Dominic and to recommend the mission to fight against the heresy. After the dead of Innocent
               III,  in  1216,  Honorius  III  gives  the  definite  approval  of  the  «Order  of  Preachers»  or  Ordo

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