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P. 121
would cause, earlier or later, the inevitable attack of the Catholic Church. The Benedictines,
Cluniac and Cistercians, started very soon to elevate their protests: already in 1119, that year
when the Golems were installed in the Temple of Solomon, the Pope Callixtus II fulminates the
excommunication against the heretics of Tolosa. But such measures didn't take any effect. In
1147 the Abbot of Clairvaux, Saint Bernard, Golem Chief of the Templar conspiracy, travelled
around the Laguedoc receiving in every part signs of hostility by the people and the lordly
nobility. Thence will be the Citeaux that will be in charge to enliven the hates and form the new
Perseus to destroy the «Occitan Dragon». But the Cathars, far of being daunted by those
threats, convoked in 1167 the General Council of Saint-Felix-de-Caraman: there they resolved
to apportion the country, in the same manner to the Catholic Church, in bishoprics and
The Cathar Church, was organized in base of Bishoprics, Presbyters, Deacons, major
Brothers, minor Brothers, etc. and gave superficial arguments to those that sustained the
accusation of heresy. However, from the inner perspective, existed only two groups: the
«believers» and the Chosen Ones. The believers constituted the mass of those who
sympathized with Catharism or professed its faith, but without reaching the initiation of the
Holy Spirit that characterized the Chosen Ones. These last ones, instead, had been purified by
the Holy Spirit and due to this the believers called them pure, that’s to say, Cathars. It will be
necessary to clarify that the Initiation in the Cathar Mystery, being still a social act as every
initiation, was differentiated from the initiations to the Ancient Mysteries that in the ritual
form was reduced to the minimum: in fact, the Cathars, the Pure Men or Initiates, had the
Power to communicate the Holy Spirit to the believers through the laying on of hands, with
which he could become a Cathar as well; to make possible that such miracle occurs was
necessary to dispose of an «Hyperborean Chamber», in which the believer was situated and
received the consolamentum of hands by the Pure Men; but the Hyperborean Chamber was
not a material construction, as the Temples of the Golems, but a concept of the Hyperborean
Wisdom of the White Atlanteans which realization constituted a jealously guarded secret by the
Cathars: for it clarification, Dr. Siegnagel, I will tell that it consisted in the same principles that
I already explained in the Third Day as fundamentals of the «strategic mode of life», that is, the
principle of the occupation, of the enclosure, and the principle of the strategic wall.
In the concept of the Hyperborean Chamber intervenes the three mentioned principles,
and its realization could be effectuated in any place, although, I repeat, the lytic technique, that
just required of the spatial distribution of some few not carved stones, was secret. Thereby,
with just a few stones and their hands, the Cathars initiated the believers in the Mystery of the
Uncreated Spirit; and as real representatives of the Pact of Blood, they opposed in this way the
Wisdom to the Cult, the Strategic Wall to the Temple.
But if the ritual form was minimum, the consequent spiritual process reached its highest
intensity during the Cathar Initiation. The believer was «consoled» internally, i.e., he was
sustained by the Spirit, and converted in Chosen One. But, Chosen by who? By Himself.
Because the Cathar Initiates are convoked by the Themselves to Liberate their
Spirits, those who have Chosen Themselves to Reach the Origin and Exist. The
believers, would not be Chosen by the Cathars, neither their transmutation would
depend just from the Consolamentum, but Their Own Spirit was Chosen by Itself and
invested of Purity when situating strategically under the charismatic influence of the pure men.