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History»  in  which  would  emerge  the  Racial  Leader,  the  Universal  Emperor  of  the
               Spirit and the Pure Blood. Was a common presentiment that sprouted from an inner fiber
               and united everyone in the security of the regal advent. And that spontaneous unity was the
               cause of deep social transformations: it seemed as if all the efforts of the people would have
               suddenly  coordinated  in  a  combined  spiritual  enterprise,  in  a  project  which  permanent
               realization  was  the  generation  of  the  brilliant  civilization  of  Oc.  The  poetry,  the  music,  the
               dance, the choral singing, the literature, reached there great splendor, while was developing a
               romance language of exquisite semantic precision, very different to the more barbarian idiom
               of  the  Eastern  Franks:  was  the  «language  of  Oc»  or  «langue  d'Oc»,  which  gave  name  to  the
               country  of  the  Languedoc.  In  the  structure  of  that  rising  civilization,  as  one  of  their
               fundamental  elements,  would  appear  the  Catharism  that  would  not  be  a  «Catholic  Heresy»
               anymore,  as  the  Golem  Church  pretended,  nor  a  religion  transplanted  from  Asia  Minor,  as
               other pretend. On the contrary, the Catharism was the formal expression of the relegation that
               existed  a  priori  in  the  Occitanian  society:  was  the  Grail,  that  was  everyone  believed,  who
               relegated the Occitanian society and constituted the fundament of the Cathar religion.
                      But  the  Grail,  when  communicating  the  next  advent  of  the  Universal  Emperor,
               announced  also  the  War,  the  inevitable  struggle  that  its  Presence  would  declare  to  the
               Potencies of the Matter, perhaps the Final Battle if the times were ready for it. The «historical
               moment» of the apparition of the Grail demanded, a special predisposition of the people to face
               the crisis that would fatally occur: was the time of the spiritual awakening and the material
               renouncement,  to  discern  clearly  between  the  Whole  of  the  Spirit  and  the  Naught  of  the
               Matter. Now you will understand, Dr. Siegnagel, why the Cathars were organized as a Church,
               and they dedicated to preach openly the Hyperborean Wisdom: they were preparing the people
               for the historical moment, they were strengthening their will to acquire the «State of Grace»
               that  the  times  required.  If  the  Universal  Emperor  came,  was  necessary  to  count  with
               profoundly  spiritual  men,  keepers  of  the  Hyperborean  Wisdom  and  transmuted  by  the
               remembrance of the Origin, by the revelation of Naked Truth of Him Self, i.e., would be needed
               Men of Stone: for this reason the Cathars formed and distributed thousands of troubadours
               initiated in the Cult of the Cold Fire of the House of Tharsis; they had the mission to go around
               the country and turn on in the Noble of the Blood, Noble or commoner, rich or poor, the Flame
               of the Cold Fire, the L-ove of the Goddess Pyrene who they called just as «the Lady», or «the
               Wisdom»; and the Nobles of the Blood, if they understood  the Trobar Clus, they became in
               wedded  Knights  with  their  Sword,  a  Vrune  of  Navutan,  that  in  some  opportunities  they
               consecrated to a Lady of flesh and bones, a Kâlibur Woman who was able to immortalize them
               Beyond the Infinite Blackness of His Signal of Death.

               Twenty-First Day

                      The urgency of the times had obeyed the Cathars to expose themselves openly, act that

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