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in the Earth, the Pope, wielding the spiritual Sword, must impose his will above the Kings, mere
representatives of the temporal State and just keepers of the temporal Sword.
Even by the endeavor committed by Church to impose the threat, the idea was maturing
and starts to produce collisions between the Kings more spirituals and the representatives of
the Potencies of the Matter. The «Investiture Controversy», starred by the Emperor Henry IV,
ancestor of Frederick II, and Golem Pope Gregory VII, signalizes the culminating phase of the
satanic reaction: in the year 1077, the Emperor Henry IV is obeyed to be humiliated before the
Pope, in Canossa, to obtain the lifting of the his previous excommunication. If he would have
not accepted to that supplication, Henry IV would have been despoiled of his imperial
investiture, and also of the sovereignty of his hereditary Seignories, by the simple «spiritual»
will of the Pope. Naturally, an idea that emerges from the blood, and becomes clearer and
stronger after every generation, can't be repressed with penances and humiliations. Will be
Frederick I Barbarossa the grandfather of Frederick II, who will be opposed with more
vigorously to the papal tyranny and will demonstrate that the existence of the Aristocracy of
the Spirit was more than an idea. For then, the idea had taken force and has many devotees
disposed to defend it with their lives: they were called Ghibellines, name derived from the
Castle of Wainblingen where was born Frederick I. The reaction of the Church against Frederick
I polarize the family of his mother Judith, descendant of Welfs, Duke of Bavaria, staunch
follower of the Pope, from where comes the name of «Welfs» given to his believers. Thereby,
even by the brainwash and clerical indoctrination that was submitted to Frederick II in the
years when he remained under the tutelage of the fierce Innocent III, nothing could avoid that
the Voice of his Pure Blood revealed him the Truth of the Uncreated Spirit, that his Divine
heritage would transform him in the alive expression of the Aristocracy of the Spirit, in the
Universal Emperor.
Before his departure to Palestine in 1227, Frederick II had become into Man of Stone, in
Hyperborean Pontiff, and he had remembered the Pact of Blood of the White Atlanteans. And
he decided to fight with all his forces to revert the order of the European society that was based
in the unity of the Cult, that is, in the Cultural Pact, in favor of the Pact of Blood. The
solution chosen by Frederick II consisted in to undermine the imperial unity of that time,
which monarchies were totally conditioned by the Church, conceding the major possible power
to the Territorial Lords: they would be, of course, the ones who would recognize with their Pure
Blood the Real Spiritual Leader of Occident, who would come to establish the Universal Empire
of the Spirit. Otherwise, the Golem Church, in front of the growing power of the Princes, would
only see the disintegration of the political unity that was so necessary for their world
domination plans: a political unity that had been edified over the base of countless crimes
perpetrated through centuries of intrigues and shenanigans, that had been projected in the
Secret of the Benedictine and Cistercian monasteries, that had been imposed in the credulous
and fearful minds of the nobles by means of the threats of the «the loss of Heaven», the
excommunication, the terror, and every kind of unworthy sources.
That political unity controlled discreetly by the Church, that now disposed of a powerful
Bank and a Military Order, Would result fatally destabilized by Frederick II. In 1220, when he
was still obeying the plan of the Golems, Frederick II conceded to the ecclesiastical Princes the
rights to regulate the commercial traffic in their territories and to decide about it fortification.
However, in 1232, he bestowed the same rights to the Territorial Lords apart of