Page 21 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 21
Dr. Arturo Siegnagel
«The Letter of Belicena Villca»
First Day
Dr. Arturo Siegnagel:
Above all I want to give thanks Dr. for what you have done for me in this long year in
which I was your patient. I know that many times your kindness have taken you to exceed the
limits of your mere professional responsibility and you have dedicated more time and
attendance which undoubtedly deserved my alienated condition: I recognize it too much, Dr.,
but, as you will understand when reading this letter, my recuperation was practically
impossible. Anyway, Goddess Pyrene will know how to reward your efforts fairly.
Surely, when this letter be in your hands, I will be dead: They don't forgive and we don't
ask for clemency. This possibility doesn't concern me, because Death is, in our case, just an
illusion, but understanding that for you the absence will be real and, for this reason I decided to
write you. I am conscious that you will not believe me in advance and because of this I’ve took
the boldness to send the present to your domicile in Cerrillos. You will wonder how I made it:
bribing a nurse, who obtained the address registered in the administrative file and she