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populaces. It is not difficult to distinguish those forms and, inclusive, to intuit their meanings,
if the facts are observed with the aid of the following pair of principles. First of all, it must be
warned that in the groups of the Atlanteans who landed in the continents after the
«Submersion of the Atlantis» were not survivors of a mere natural catastrophe, like simple
castaways, but men coming from a dreadful and total war: the Submersion of the Atlantis is, in
rigor to the truth, just the consequence, the end of a period in the development of a conflict, of
an Essential War which had begun long before, in the extraterrestrial Origin of the Human
Spirit, and which has not concluded yet. Those men acted reigned by the laws of the war: they
didn't effectuate any movement that contradicts the principles of the tactic, which could put in
danger the Strategy of the Essential War.
The Essential War is a struggle of Gods, a conflict that started in Heaven and then
extended to the Earth, involving men on its course: in the operation theatre of the Atlantis was
just fought a Battle of the Essential War; and in the mark of the confronted forces, only the
groups of the Atlanteans which I mentioned, the White and the Swarthy, had intervened as
planners or strategists of their respective sides. It means, that they were not the chiefs neither
the direct combatants in the Battle of the Atlantis: in the modern war their functions would be
those of the «analyst of major state»...; except that those «Analysts» didn´t dispose of the
elemental electronic computers programed with «games of war», as the modern, but of an
incomparably more perfect and redoubtable instrument: the human brain specialized to the
extreme of its possibilities. In sum, when the continental disembarkation is produced, a phase
of the Essential War had finished: the chiefs have retired to their commands posts and the
direct combatants, who had survived to the mutual annihilation, suffer divers luck: some of
them try to regroup and advance to a forefront which doesn't exists, others believe to have
been abandoned in the battlefront, some of them runaway in disorder, others finally end lost or
forgot the Essential War. In sum, and now employing the language that the White Atlanteans
utilized to talk with the continental populaces, «The Gods had stopped to manifest themselves
unto men because they had failed one more time: they not resolved the conflict here,
propounded in a human scale, leaving the problem back to Heaven to be faced again by the
Gods. But the Gods had struggled for the men, because some Gods wanted that the Spirit of
men be returned to the Origin, beyond the stars, while the others pretended to maintain him
prisoner in the World of Matter».
The White Atlanteans were with the Gods that wanted to release men from the Great
Deceit of the Matter and affirmed that they had fought stoutly to reach that objective.
Hence, the Battle of the Atlantis concluded and the Gods withdrew to their abodes,
leaving the men prisoner of the Earth because they were incapable to comprehend their
miserable situation neither disposed of the strength to win the struggle for the spiritual
freedom. But They didn't abandon men; simply, the War was not waged in the Earth anymore:
one day, if men voluntarily claim their place in Heaven, the Liberator Gods would return with
all their power and a new opportunity to propose the battle would outbreak; this time would be
the Final Battle, the last opportunity before the definitive Return of the Gods to the Origin;
meanwhile, the «direct combatants» for the freedom of the Spirit who reorient themselves in
the theatre of the War, those who remember the Battle of the Atlantis, those who awake from
the Great Deceit, or the seekers of the Origin, would have to wage in the Earth a grueling
personal combat against the Demonic Forces of the Matter, that is, against overwhelmingly