Page 22 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 22
effectuated the dispatch of the correspondence. I beg you to forget the lack of discipline and to
not inquire the identity of the nurse, because if I die, which is probable, the fear will make her
shut her mouth and, on the other hand; you must take present that she was just consenting
with my last will. Now I will get to the point, Dr., I want to ask you a posthumous favor; but, to
be fair with you, before I will inform you about the antecedents of certain facts. I think that you
will help me, because a Will, more powerful than ours, has put you on my way: perhaps you are
also searching for an answer without knowing it, maybe in this letter is the answer.
Being in this way or not, if you are already conscious of the Great Deceit, then read
carefully what is next because there you will find some keys to orientate yourself in the Path
towards the Origin. I have written thinking on you and I have been clear until I could, but I
know that you will understand me because you have visibly embodied the Sign of the Origin.
I will start informing you that I am one of the last descendants of an ancient lineage
keeper of a Mortal Secret, a secret which was kept by my family for centuries and which was in
danger to be lost forever with the disappearance of my son, Noyo Villca. Now it doesn't matter
if the Golem kills me because the objective of my strategy is accomplished: I’ve achieved to
distract them following my steps while my son Noyo was performing his mission. He was not
kidnaped; he really travelled to the Cavern of Parsifal, in the Province of Córdoba to transport
the Wise Sword of The House of Tharsis. And I started immediately, in inverse sense, with the
objective to cover the mission of Noyo diverting to me the persecution of the Golem. The
Hyperborean Wisdom helped me, even if I finally couldn't do anything against those powerful
demonic drugs that they skillfully supplied to me in one of the journeys that I made to the
Province of Jujuy. After this, came the capture by the Army and the story that you know. But
you will understand all this clearly, when I reveal you, as a posthumous legacy, the familiar
The Secret, in sum, consists in: the family maintained hidden, during the course of
fourteen American generations, the Instrument of an ancient Mystery, perhaps the oldest
mystery of the White Race. Such Instrument permits to the Hyperborean Initiates to know the
extraterrestrial Origin of the human Spirit and acquire the enough Wisdom to return to that
Origin, abandoning definitely the demential Universe of the Matter and Energy of the Created
How reached to our power such Instrument? First I will tell you that it was brought by
my ancestor Lito de Tharsis, who landed in Colonia Coro in 1534 and, a few years later, he
founded the Tucumán branch of the Race. But this doesn’t answer the question. Really, to get
near to the direct answer, it would be necessary to go back thousands of years ago, as far as the
Era of the Kings of my folk, from them Lito de Tharsis was one of the last descendants. Such
folk, who dwelled in the Iberian peninsula since immemorial times, I will call it, from now on,
to simplify it, just «Iberian», without meaning this to cohere it with any anthropologic or a
racial modern theory: the truth is that very little is known relative to the actual Iberians
because everything that referred to them, specially their consuetudes and beliefs, were
systematically destroyed or occulted by our foes. Well, now, in the Era where it is convenient to
start the narration of this story the Iberians were divided in two irreconcilable sides, who
struggled unto death in a permanent state of war. The reasons of such enmities were not
minor: they were based in the practice of Cults essentially counterpoised, in the worship of
enemy Gods. At least, this was what the common members of the combatant populaces were