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superior  forces...  and  defeat  them  with  heroic  will:  only  in  this  manner  they  would  be
               admitted in the «General Headquarter of the Gods».
                      In sum, according to the White Atlanteans, «one phase of the Essential War had ended,
               the Gods withdrew to their abodes and the combatants were dispersed; but the Gods would
               return: the Atlantean presence were proving it there, constructing and preparing the Earth for
               the Final Battle. In the Atlantis, the Swarthy Atlanteans were priests who propitiated a Cult to
               the Traitor Gods to the Spirit of men; the White Atlanteans, on the contrary, belonged to a
               caste  of  Wise  Warriors, or Constructor  Warriors, who struggled  at the  side of the  Liberator
               Gods to the Spirit of men, beside to the Royal and Warrior castes of the red and yellow men,
               who conformed the ranks of the «direct combatants». Thus the Swarthy Atlanteans tried to
               destroy  their  works:  because  they  worshipped  the  Potencies  of  the  Matter  and  obeyed  the
               design that the Traitor Gods utilized to chain the Spirit to the animal-nature of men».
                      The  White  Atlanteans  proceeded  from  the  Race  that  the  modern  Anthropology  calls
               «Cro-Magnon».  Like  thirty  thousand  years  ago,  the  Liberator  Gods,  who  in  that  time  were
               governing  the  Atlantis,  had  entrusted  to  this  Race  a  mission  to  start  a  mission  which
               fulfillment would prove their courage and would open the doors of Wisdom: they had to spread
               all around the world and exterminate the animal-men, the primitive hominid of the Earth who
               only  had  body  and  Soul,  but  didn’t  have  Eternal  Spirit,  that’s  to  say,  the  race  that  the
               anthropology has baptized as «Neanderthal», already extinguished. The men of Cro-Magnon
               accomplished with such efficiency that mission, that they were rewarded by the Loyal Gods
               with the authorization to regroup and dwell in the Atlantis. There they acquired subsequently,
               the Magistery of the Stone and were known as Guards of the Lytic Wisdom and Men of Stone.
                      Hence, when I say that «they belonged to a caste of Warrior Constructers», it has to be
               understood  «Constructors  in  Stone»,  «Wise  Warriors  of  the  Lytic  Wisdom».  And  this
               clarification is important because on its Science was only worked with Stone, i.e., either the
               tools,  as  the  materials  of  their  Science,  consisted  in  pure  stone,  with  explicit  exclusion  of
               metals. «The metals, would explain then to the Iberians, represented to the Potencies of the
               Matter  and  would  have  to  be  carefully  avoided  or  manipulated  with  much  caution».  When
               transmitting the idea that the essence of the metal was demonic, the White Atlanteans were
               searching evidently to infuse a taboo in the allied populaces; taboo that, at least in the case of
               the iron, was maintained for thousands of years. Inversely, the Swarthy Atlanteans, with no
               doubts,  due  to  their  particular  relation  with  the  Potencies  of  the  Matter,  stimulated  the
               populaces  who  were  addictive  to  practice  the  metallurgy  and  the  goldsmith,  without
               restrictions of any metal.
                      This is the second principle that you must have present, Dr. Arturo Siegnagel: the White
               Atlanteans entrusted to the Iberians who had supported them in the megalithic constructions
               of a mission that can be synthetized in the next form: protect the megalithic constructions
               and fight unto death against the allies of the Swarthy Atlanteans. These lasts, by their
               part, proposed to the Iberians, who helped them in a mission which could be expressed in this
               way: «destroy the megalithic constructions; if this is not possible, modify the forms of
               the stones until neutralize the functions of the sets; if that was not possible, engrave
               in the stones the archetypical signs of the matter correspondent to the target of the
               function which had to be neutralized; if such thing was not possible, distort at least

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