Page 253 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 253

is necessary to him to become aware of his miserable situation and that he ardently desires to
               escape, previously to: 2nd reveal him the existence of a unique possibility to escape. Because
               it would be enough, now that the prisoner wants to escape, just to know about the existence
               of the secret exit; he will search for it and he will find it by himself.

                      Presented in this way, the problem seems to be very difficult to resolve: It is necessary to
               reanimate him, to wake up him from his lethargy, to orientate him, and then reveal him
               the secret.

                      For  this  reason  it  is  time  to  wonder:  Is  there  anyone  disposed  to  help  the  miserable
               prisoner?  And  if  it  exists,  How  would  he  arrange  to  comply  with  the  two  conditions  of  the

                      I must declare that, fortunately, there  are other people that love  and try to help the
               prisoner.  They    are  who  participate  of  his  ethnicity  and  dwell  in  a  farther,  a  very  farther
               country, which is at war with the country that incarcerated him. But they can't attempt any
               military  action  to  release  him  due  to  the  retaliation  that  the  Enemy  could  take  over  the
               countless captives that, in addition to the tower, maintain in their terrible prisons. So, it tries
               to guide the help in the aforementioned way: to wake up, orientate and reveal the secret
               to him.

                      To  do  this  it  is  necessary  to  get  to  him,  but  how  can  we  do  this  if  he  has  been
               incarcerated in the heart of a fortified citadel, saturated of enemies in permanent alert? It must

               be discarded the possibility to infiltrate a spy due to the insuperable ethnic differences: a
               German would not be able to be infiltrates as a spy in the Chinese army in the same way that a
               Chinese would not be able to spy in the     barracks, without the possibility to enter in the
               prison or to deceive the guards only remains the resource to send a message to the prisoner.

                      However, to send a message seems to be as difficult as introducing a spy. In effect; in the
               improbable  case  that  a  diplomatic  management  achieve  the  authorization  to  present  the
               message and the promise that this would be given to the prisoner, that would not be useful at
               all  because  just  fact  that  it  has  to  pass  through  seven  security  levels,  where  it  would  be
               mutilated and censored, make absolutely vain this possibility. Moreover, by this legal route
               (previous  authorization),  would  be  imposed  the  condition  that  the  message  be  written  in  a
               clear language  and accessible to the  enemy, who then would censure  part of it content  and
               would impose the terms to avoid a possible second encrypted message. And don't we forget
               that the secret of the occulted way out, interest us to be recognized by the prisoner but at the
               same time to be ignored by the enemy. And the first, what to say in a mere message to achieve
               the  awake,  orientation,  and  the  comprehension  of  the  prisoner  that  he  must  escape?  As

               much  can  we  think  on  that  it  will  make  evident  that  at  the  end  the  message  must  be
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