Page 249 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 249

Self. Like if it treats of a fantasy, the reason interprets and makes a rational scheme of the
               representation  of  the  phenomenic-entitiy,  scheme  which  image  is  superposed  to  the
               representation  and  masks  it,  giving  to  it  the  propositional  meaning  that  determines  the
               preeminent cultural premises.

                      When a «scientific» observation is effectuated of a phenomenon the rational functions
               become  preeminent  to  every  perception,  «emphasizing»  with  eminency  those  interesting  or
               useful aspects and «tarnishing» the rest (the phenomenon). In this way the reason operates
               masking the phenomenon, previously extracted from the totality of the real, and shows of it a
               «reasonable»  appearance  and  always  comprehensible  in  the  ambit  of  the  human  culture.  Of
               course  that  nobody  cares  that  the  phenomenons  remain,  thenceforth,  hidden  behind  their
               reasonable appearance; not if it is possible to use them, control them, take advantage of their
               energy  and  guide  them.  Finally  a  scientific  and  technological  civilization  edifies  over  the
               phenomenons and even against them; what matters if a rational vision of the world cut off the
               perceived phenomenons and face us to a cultural reality more artificial as more blinded we
               are? What matters, I repeat, when that gnoseologic blindness is the price that must be paid to
               enjoy the infinites variants that, in comfort and enjoyment terms, the scientific  civilization

                      Perhaps  exists  a  danger  that  we  cannot  technically  prevent,  we  that  have  eliminated
               many and ancient ills, we that have prolonged human life and created an urban habitat with a
               luxury never seen before?

                      The risk exists, it is real, and it menaces to all those members of mankind that have
               Hyperborean ancestors; the Hyperborean Wisdom denominates it psychic phagocytosis. It is
               a risk of psychic genre and of transcendent order that consists in the metaphysical obliteration
               of the consciousness, possibility that can be concreted in this World or in other, and in any
               time. The destruction of the consciousness occurs by satanic phagocytosis, that’s to say, by
               the  assimilation  of  the  animic-subject  to  the  Jehovah  Satan’s  substance.  When  that
               catastrophe occurs any possibility of transmutation and return to the origin is lost.

                      However it is convenient to repeat that the confusion is the main impediment for the
               transmutation  from  asleep  man  into  Man  of  Stone.  And,  to  the  permanent  confusion,
               contributes the gnoseological blindness which I mentioned before, consequence of the modern
               rationalist mentality. We live under the rules of the occidental «culture», which is materialist,
               rationalist,  scientific-technologic  and  amoral;  the  thinking  starts  in  the  preeminent  cultural
               premises and determines the vision of the world transforming it in mere appearance. Without

               noticing  or  having  any  idea  of  it.  The  Culture,  then,  keeps  the  confusion,  prevents  the
               orientation  and  the  march  towards  the  core  of  the  psychic  reintegration,  impeding  the
               transmutation of the asleep man into  a  Man  of Stone. Is this fortuity? I have told it many

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