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P. 247

portion of the matter, in any quality of it. This universal penetration, at the moment of being
               verified  by  people  in  different  grades  of  confusion,  has  taken  to  the  wrong  belief  that  the
               «matter» is the own substance of The One. Such vulgar conceptions of the pantheistic systems

               or of those that allude to a «Spirit of the World» or «Anima Mundi», etc. In reality, the matter
               has been «arranged» by the Creator and «impulsed» to a development legal in time from which
               doesn't  escape  not  even  a  minimum  particle  (and  from  which  participates,  of  course,  the
               «human body»).

                      I  have  made  this  synthetic  exposition  of  the  «Hyperborean  physics»  because  it  is
               necessary to distinguish two grades  of determinism. The world, just as I described  recently,
               aims,  mechanically,  oriented  to  a  finality;  this  is  the  first  grade  of  determinism.  In  other
               words: exists a plan to which guide it adjusts, and to which designs tends, the «order» of the
               world;  the  matter  under  the  mechanical  of  the  mentioned  «order»  is  determined  in  first
               grade. But, as that plan, is sustained by the Will Of The Creator, and his Presence is effective in
               every portion of matter, as we have seen, it would be possible that He, abnormally, influences
               in other form in some portion of the reality, either to modify his Plan theologically or to
               express semiotically his intention, or for  strategic motives; in this case we are at the
               second grade of determinism.

                      For «strategic motives»  it is understood this: when the awake  man starts the Return
               Towards the Origin in the mark of an Hyperborean Strategy uses secret techniques that allows
               to oppose effectively to the plan. In these circumstances the Creator, abnormally, intervenes
               using all his power to punish the intrepid.

                      Now we can make distinction between a first grade phenomenon and a second grade
               phenomenon,  attending  to  the  determination  grade  of  its  manifestation.  It  has  to  be  well
               understood that in this distinction the accent is placed on the different manners in which the
               Demiurge  can  act  over  a  same  phenomenon.  For  example,  in  the  phenomenon  of  a  falling
               flowerpot from the balcony to the sidewalk, we can't see anything else than a determination of
               the first grade; we say: «the gravity law acted». But if that flowerpot fell over the head of an
               awake man, we can suppose a second determination or, in rigor, a «second intention»; we say:
               «The Will Of The Creator Acted».

                      To  the  first  and  second  grade  of  determination  of  a  phenomenon  is  also  called,  in
               another perspective, First and Second Intention of the Creator.

                      In  general,  every  phenomenon  is  susceptible  of  being  manifested  in  first  and  second
               grade of determination. Attending to this possibility we will agree in this: when the opposite is
               not indicated, by «phenomenon» will be understood: the one which determination is merely
               mechanical, i.e., of first grade; in the opposite case it will be clearly, «of second grade».

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