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P. 245
possibility of external quest because the test will allow to understand many gnosiological and
cultural aspects that affects mankind.
If we accept the hermetic principle of correspondence between macrocosm and
microcosm will result us evident that all the macrocosm laws are reflected on the analogous of
the microcosm. But that equivalence is farther of being a mere passive reflection between
structures. The man, in the moment that discovers and formulates laws, unbalances that
relation and assumes a prominent role. As a consequence of this dominant attitude appears
now, separating the Self from the macrocosm, a cultural model elaborated by a cultural subject.
In the Hyperborean Wisdom Dr. Siegnagel, are defined and studied this three elements;
synthetically, I will tell you that the «cultural subject» is just the animic-subject when acts
dynamically over a «cultural structure» constituted in the «sphere of shadow» of the psyche;
in the same way, when the animic-subject acts on the «rational sphere»; and if it is manifested
on the «sphere of consciousness», «conscious subject» ; but always, the Self lies immersed in the
animic-subject or soul, being rational, cultural or conscious of the action field.
Thus, the «cultural model» is the main responsible of the deformed vision that man
has of himself and the world, because it interposes between the macrocosm and the
microcosm. The cultural model is a content of the cultural structure of a collective character or
sociocultural; therefore, consists in a systematic set of concepts, proposed by the cultural-
subject and translated to one or two habitual languages, for example, linguistic and
mathematical. In sum, the cultural model is composed, normally, by mathematical principles
and cultural premises. When the Self of the man is confused with the conscious-subject, accepts
in a solidarity way as representations of external entities, as its truth, the cultural objects that
proceed from the intermediary cultural model, cultural objects which meanings have been
proposed by the cultural subject as a premise in the habitual language.
Let's examine now what do men understand for «Law of the Nature». Without necessity
to enter in complications we can affirm that a law of the nature is the mathematical
quantification of a significant relation between aspects or magnitudes of a phenomenon. Let's
clarify this definition. Given a phenomenon it is possible that by the observation and by the
empirical experimentation can be differentiated certain «aspects» of it. If among the many
distinguished aspects, some of them results as «significantly related between them», and if that
relation has statistic probabilities, i.e., it is repeated a high number of times or it is permanent,
then it can be enunciated a «Law of the Nature». To do that, it is necessary that the «aspects» of
the phenomenon can be reduced to magnitudes, in such way that the «significant relation» be
reduced to a «relation between magnitudes» that is, a mathematical function, the «laws» of the
physics have been reduced in a similar way.