Page 252 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 252

«law of the nature». In such way that the yoke that the enemy has girded around the Self is
               formidable. It can be said, in a figurative sense, that the Self is prisoner of the reason and their
               allies, the cultural premises; and everyone would understand the sense of this figure. That is
               because exists a clear analogical correspondence between the Self, in the asleep man, and the
               concept of «captivity». For that reason I will elaborate later an allegory, in which will became
               evident the correspondence indicated, what will allow then, to understand the secret strategy
               that the Loyal Gods practice to counteract the cultural arm of the Synarchy.

                      I will start presenting the allegory focusing the attention in a man, who has been taken
               prisoner and condemned, in an unappealable way, to life imprisonment. He doesn't know this
               sentence; he doesn't even know any information subsequent to his capture from the external
               world,  because  it  has  been  determined  to  maintain  him  indefinitely  uncommunicated.  To
               achieve this he has been confined in an inaccessible tower surrounded by walls, abysms and
               pits, where apparently results impossible any attempt to escape. A garrison of enemy soldiers,
               with  who  is  not  possible  to  talk  without  receiving  some  punishment,  they  are  permanently
               guarding the tower; they are cruel and ruthless, but terribly loyal and efficient: not even think
               to suborn or deceive them. In this condition doesn't seem to be many hopes in the freedom of
               the prisoner. However, the real situation is very different. Even though outside of the tower
               the exit is prevented by the walls, pits and guards, from inside it is possible to go out directly
               to the exterior, without stumbling with any obstacle. How? Through a secret exit which access
               is skillfully dissimulated on the floor of the cell. Naturally, the prisoner ignores the existence of
               this passage but the guards ignore it too.

                      Let's  suppose  now  that,  just  because  the  prisoner  has  been  convinced  that  it  is
               impossible to escape, or just because he ignores his captive condition, or by any other motive,
               the  prisoner  doesn't  shows  fugue  predisposition:  doesn´t  shows  bravery  or  courage,  and  of
               course, doesn't seeks the way out; he is simply resigned to his precarious situation.

                      Undoubtedly is his own negative attitude the worst enemy because, if he would keep
               alive the escape desire, or even, if he just could feel the nostalgia of his lost freedom, he would
               move around his cell, where exists, at least, one possibility in a million to find the secret exit by

               accident. But is not and the prisoner, in his confusion, has adopted a placid behavior that,
               after months and years of incarceration, becomes more and more pusillanimous and idiot.

                      Surrendered to his luck, the captive just would wait for an external help, which can only
               consist  in  the  revelation  of  the  secret  exit.  But  it  is  not  simple  to  expose  the  problem
               because the prisoner doesn't want to escape or doesn't know that he can, as I said. There must
               be two things accomplished: 1st make that the prisoner assumes his captive condition, and if it
               is possible, make him remember the golden years where there were no cells and no chains. It

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