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would be eternally present in my Spirit. Being thus, the infantile change of character, the
reinforced spiritual strength, the feelings that died, the desires turned off, that heart that went
colder irredeemably, the sensation of rebirth, the spiritual security to feel saved, nearby the
definitive liberation of the material ties, all would be explained supposing that the real spiritual
life continued in the ambit of the rapture, from which I had never went out neither I’d go out, it
means, in the Infinite, and that this apparent life, lived till «end» of what cannot end, was in
effect a form of death, a non-existent spiritual illusion but inevitable. Perhaps, indeed, I was
really dead thereby I not feared anymore to anything alive; and much less to the Death.
Perhaps it was everything a product of such mysterious seed that the Virgin of Agartha released
in the Eye of Fire of the Spirit. I could not know it yet. But the truth, the concrete, was that I
had received the requested spiritual help, that, dead or reborn, I felt happy and gallant, that I
not feared for the death nor to kill, and that I felt that, strangely, my Self participated from
the actual Infinite: yes, unequivocally, I felt undetermined by the side of the Self; everything
that the Universe contained, including my own biological life, and the own Universe, were
limited and perishable: this was the finite side of my being, the Illusion; but now I knew with
certainty that, in the Self, a boundless abyss was opened: this was the Infinite side of being, the
Perhaps it will be understood in part what I experienced in that moments drawing upon a
Imagine a person accustomed to live in a beauty solitary forest. The days elapse there
softly, and without many surprises, and, even if the fight for life imposes a permanent alert,
this same persistence makes that the attention remains within the constant limits and, finally,
It’d be said that this man «dominates the situation» of his daily life. Nearby, serene and
meek, the lake offers the sporadic pleasure of a refreshing and repairer bath. But the lake is not
a secure place in which someone could remain for a long time, as the forest.
The water doesn’t have the firmness of the ground and to be supported on it is
necessary to dispose of certain control, of some extra-attention, exigency that finally ends to
fatigue man. For this reason the visits to the lake are regulated by the necessity to fish or the
pleasure of the bath. One day this man, for an error or audacity, generates a circumstance that
escapes from his control: the fire that had helped him to live until then, escapes to the forest,
furious and destructor. The man has remained static or fights to suffocate it or he blasphemes
desperate; doesn’t matter any attitude; nothing can prevent the catastrophe due to the fire has
surpassed his control, has overpassed him. The flames spread everywhere consuming all and it
becomes indispensable to search the salvation; but, where? Where is the security? All of
sudden, as a ray, emerges the light: the lake.