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P. 451
the Matter, simultaneously with the seism. But that didn’t rest merit to the fact but it gifted it
with particular meaning, of a sense that in the moment I not comprehended but that
later, during the journey to Santa María, would absorb all my attention. What happened, in
reality? Well, that I had a Vision: the most wonderful Vision of my existence, which was,
at the same time, the searched help.
I will synthetize it chronologically. It seems that, the process really began when I had
that intuition to not be Me who was suffering and agonizing, who suffered the pain of life
and the same life, were other things, of non-spiritual nature. It means that, in such instant, I
had clearly distinguished between the Spirit and the Soul, between my spiritual Self
and my animal nature. I had understood that the Spirit knows none pain nor suffering,
but that it is pure Joy and Courage, pure decided Honour, pure volitional Force. Hence
to «live» or «die» didn’t mean anything for me because I was beyond the life and death, and
perhaps beyond, also, to good and evil. Was in that moment when the Soul, and the God of the
Soul, lost the capacity to act over my Self and it was dissolved as an Ancient Illusion, was
cut as a Primordial Enchantment: suddenly all the animic and vital, which were
likewise all the malignant, were transferred «out» from my Self, to my animal body
and the World where dwells the animal body. For first time I felt Me, only Me; Me,
surrounded by the Potencies of the Matter; Me, besieged by the God Creator of the
Universe. And then, undoubtedly as a consequence to have sustained a battle against the Soul,
and have won, the Vision appeared and I received the searched help. And the telluric
phenomenons occurred.
I’ll not enter in details, that would contribute little to the comprehension of my mystic
experience, I would not know to say if inside or out from my psychic structure, but the effective
was that She enraptured my Spirit. Yes; to communicate what happened I can’t do any other
thing than to combine the words enrapture and enchant as verbs and affirm that She
enraptured my Spirit, enchanted my Self and took it out from the Soul and the World.
She kidnaped me for one second from the body, and the Earth, and she shown before
my spiritual Self in all the magnificence of her Uncreated Beauty. Because such spiritual rapture
revealed me to whom Belicena Villca mentioned many times in her letter, the Virgin of Agartha,
the Charismatic Counsellor of the chained Spirit. And then I understood, in middle of the
mystic rapture, that the Raptor of the Spirit prisoner in the Matter was the Grace, necessary,
after that the Self of the asleep man have fought against the Soul and has won: only by her
intervention, by the action of her Grace, the asleep man will achieve to maintain that
Victory against the Potencies of the Matter; only She will aid the Self,
charismatically, with the contribution of an extra-volitional force that will permit
him to sustain independent of the Created Soul.