Page 452 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 452
Was an instant without beginning nor end, because it will be always present in the
intimacy of my Spirit, an absolute moment in which, without doubts, I peered to the Eternity.
She kidnapped and retained me that instant in the Uncreated Sphere of Her Own
Existence, and she infused me the extra volitional force that the Spirit needed to undertake the
mission of Belicena Villca. How strong and invincible I felt then! And, above all things, I
understood, how free, absolutely free, was in its essence the Uncreated Spirit, without
Created limits for its Eternal Existence, that’s to say, Infinite! I felt my Self, Uncreated,
Eternal, Infinite, Free, plethoric of Wisdom; I felt Me, and I adverted that out from me had
remained the psychic and the animic, the consciousness of the warm life, and the content of
warm life, the external and internal Illusion that caused the spiritual stupor; I knew suddenly, I
experienced its evident discovery, what was the «Great Deceit», about whose dangerous
enchantment power warned me Belicena Villca.
I felt Me, and I knew of the not being Me of the Soul, in the rapture of spiritual
inspiration that the impression of the Virgin of Agartha caused me. It impressed my Spirit,
and the mark still subsists, Her Radiant Uncreated Beauty, the majesty of Her Power, The
Splendid Grace. I saw in Her a Goddess, but there in the ambit of the rapture, I was a God as
well. For such reason I presaged in Her a Gottkamerad, to a Comrade, a Sister, a Companion of
the Race of the Spirit; I had been momentarily taken from the prison in which I was and She
instead was Hyperborean Spirit absolutely free. She approached to me, to give me the succour
of Her Grace, motivated by the Honour, which is the essence of the Uncreated Spirit. That
resulted also evident to me, in that infinite instant, and thus my own Spirit, moved by its
essential Honour, struggled to give thanks to the Goddess that in some way, for expressing
that Her Succour would not be in vain, to assure that my decision would be unbreakable. But
nothing I reached to do in such sense because the Goddess smiled lovely, making me
comprehend that she understood all my thoughts.
The Virgin of Agartha had a bouquet of wheat’s spikes in Her Left Hand and a grain of
the same cereal sustained between the fingers index and thumb of the Right Hand. When She
Smiled, She did a gesture with this hand, that in principle I didn’t interpret, and She directed it
to me, towards a kind of Eye of Fire that I possessed in a determined part of the Spirit: then
She opened the Divine Fingers and She released there the Magic Seed. And that act put
end to the Vision, abruptly. I felt as if a Cold Ray, entering through my head would have
impacted in the heart; immediately the gelid sensation began to be extended around the
room, observing stupidly how all the things started jump from their positions and the edifice
threatened to collapse. The ecstasy had only lasted an infinitesimal instant, as I said, but then
precious seconds elapsed until I understood what happened in the World, coincidentally,
simultaneously, I reacted. Then, the seism concluded, and I noticed that the oppressive evil