Page 489 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 489
Thus we stayed gaining trust, until one day, one of the last in wich I kept bed, I said him:
–Uncle Kurt, I’d wish you to give me the briefcase that I brought with me. It remained in
the car the night in which I came.
For my surprise Uncle Kurt opened one of the doors of the closet and extracted from a
compartment the briefcase that, apparently, has remained there all the time. I opened it and
extracted the letter of Belicena Villca and some notes that I’ve taken when I spoke with
Professor Ramírez.
–I’m going to explain you the motive of my visit, –I said trying to transmit the
importance that the matter deserved–. Is a fantastic and unbelievable story and I seriously
think that I only dare to tell it to you without reservations and fears.
Uncle Kurt arched his eyesbrows, vividly interested insomething that, at least for me,
seemed of extreme gravity. The words and the tone that I employed created the appropriate
climate for it.
Were the three o’clock in the afternoon of any common day, we had lunch and the
serene stillness that reigned in that lost ranch invited to the dialogue and confidence. We had
all the time of the world in our disposition to take adventage of it as we pleased.
I began to narrate the known events and, if any doubt I keept about the credibility that
Uncle Kurt could give to it, this soon had dissipated. Visibly altered for some passages and
gained by the impatience in others, he interrupted me constantly to ask for details and, after
that he obtained what he wanted, he encouraged me to continue in an authoritary tone that
was unknown for me.
The case of Belicena Villca had captured his interest completely but, when he knew
about the existence of the letter, he seemed to lose his head. I extracted it from the briefcase in
that moment and I had to make an effort to avoid him to pluck it from my hands: was my
intention to permit him to read it, but not in that moment but later, when I finish relating
what happened. I showed it to him, then, and I continued with the narration without
perturbing me for the anxiety of my Uncle, who was making a great effort, evidently, wait to
read it. I explained, in general lines, the objective of such posthumous letter, without entering
in details about the incredible history of the House of Tharsis, mentioning only the millenary
persecution that had suffered by the Golem-Druids: I spoke about Bera and Birsha and my
conviction that They were the real murderes of Belicena Villca. In that point it seemed that the
eyes of Kurt were going to get out of orbit; however, his lips remained sealed for the surprise.