Page 492 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 492

At the 21:30 hrs. Uncle Kurt settled down in a comfortable hammock, next to my bed,
               and after remaining thoughtful for a moment he began to talk. He had been meditating about
               what happened and he had taken a descision.

                      –Look Arturo; –he said with solemn tone, trying to be convincing– I comprehend that
               you’ll be impatience to obtain the answers that have been brought you until here, but you must
               give me time to read the letter of Belicena Villca. Is an extense manuscript and it will take me
               many days to assimilate it, but it is necessary for me to do it before responding to your queries;
               thereby I’ll have the antecedent about what you know, I’ll appreciate what is missing for you to
               know, and I’ll be able to express with presicion.

                      He  was  awating  my  approval  without  conditions.  Nevertheless,  I  believed  that  in
               nothing would affect him to advance me some answer.

                      –I’m agree, Uncle Kurt, to give you time to read the letter. But tell me now ¿How it is
               possible that the day of my arrival you were waiting an ataack of the Druids?; I mean: How did
               you know that they were just to come?

                      –Because the previous day I had heard the buzz, the unmistakable buzz of the honey
               bee,  that  reveals  the  employment  of  the  Dordje  over  the  Heart!  Yes  neffe.  Since  that
               instant an uncontrollable tachycardia that still persists. But once again all their tricks failed
               before the powers with which the Gods have gifted me, and they will be obeyed to deal face to
               face with me. –His eyes shone defiant, but I wanted to clarify things. The allusion of the buzz
               and the Dorje, elemets that Belicena mentioned on the Twenty-Fifth Day, when Bera and Birsha
               convereted the blood of the Lords of Tharsis in Bleach, before reading her letter, that had
               left me freeze of stupor.

                      Trembling, I asked him:

                      –But, then, have you heard that buzz before?

                      –Of course, Arturo. I heard it for first time in 1938, 42 years ago.

                      –And  where?  –I  inquired  with  growing  amazement,  that  went  anticipating  the
               surprising answer.

                      –In the Tibet; in the frontier between that country and China. Was during an expedition
               at the Doors of Chang Shambalah.

                      I felt the blood beating in my temples, I felt confused, dizzy, and I foresaw the possibility
               to lose my senses. The  room had disappeared from my sight and in my mind, along with a
               thousand concepts and situations that emerged from the letter of Belicena Villca, the questions

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