Page 491 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 491

I keept respectful silence albeit intrigued for this reaction. We have spent many hours
               talking while outside darkened rapidly. The room was in shadows when the old Juana entered
               and turned the light on.

                      –Jesus, Don Cerino, why you are in darkness? The dinner is ready. I’ll bring to Mr. Aturo
               his food –the oldwoman smiled as usual before he went out.

                      This intromission calmed Uncle Kurt who was still spinning pensive. He stopped at the
               feet of my bed with the hands supported in the blackpate and, in correct Spanish he said:

                      –Neffe, I think that you’ve brought me an answer that I expected for decades. If it is
               thus, I could die in peace when all come to an end –he said mysteriously– but tell me, what
               brings you exactly to me? Why you came to see me?

                      –I wanted to find out the motive that the    had. To collect all the documentation of
               the Druids, –I replied–. When I though on it, the remembreance of that night thirty five years
               ago  when  you  gave  me  the  Iron  Cross  came  to  me.  Was  an  intuition,  because  immediately,
               without any apparent motive the security assaulted me that you would now how to respond

               these questions. Then I knew thanks to my Mom that you had been officer of the     . …. And
               here I am.

                      –Hahaha  –he  smiled  admired,  with  such  uproarious  laugh  that  he  released  when  he
               discovered me in the stairway of Cerrillos, when I was a child, and that I remembered so well.

                      –You have supposed good Neffe; –continued Uncle Kurt– I can tell you some things that
               would result useful for the resolution of your problems. Things about the Esoteric Doctrine
               of the Black Order    . Nevertheless, through an inevitable and significant design of the Gods,
               will  surprise  you  to  check  until  what  extreme  were  my  hands  the  asnwers  that  you  were
               searching for. But let’s have dinner before talking about it.

                      He left, leaving me consumed by new queries. From his previous exclamation appeared
               clearly another mystery: ¿How Uncle Kurt had kept contact with the Druids, who, apparently,
               were chasing him to death since years ago?

               Chapter III

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