Page 493 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 493

were  reduced  to  its  extreme  abstraction:  what,  how,  when,  where,  striving  to  take  concrete
               form and strafe to Uncle Kurt. He, who was adverting my confusion, started to laugh happily.

                      –Have you seen neffe? I knew it! It will be impossible for you to understand anything in
               the manner in which you set forth the dialogue. I’ll tell you everything, fear not. But to take
               better adventage of my experience, to comprehend it, the best is to tell you my life’s resume. I
               repeat you: wait till I read the letter; then I’ll narrate you my past and then your questions will
               have consistency and my answers will acquire consistency.

                      However, –He continued– as I see that your impatience is not small, I’ll give something
               to think on during these days.

                      If  I’ve  not  misunderstood,  you’ll  try  to  find  an  Esoteric  Order  that  would  exist
               presumably in Córdoba, an Order dedicated to the study of the Hyperborean Wisdom?

                      I assented with a gesture.

                      –Well, neffe: I am in conditions to affirm that is very possible that I dispose of precise
               news  about  such  Order.  And  not  only  about  it  but  also  about  the  mysterious  Initiate  who

               founded it.

                      That was the last thing that I expected to hear and, again, the lips remained shut while
               in my mind the questions were appearing with great rapidity.

                      But Uncle Kurt didn’t give me time to ask:

                      –I’ll prove it to you! –He said, while he was unleashing a packet that he had brought
               dissimulated in his jacket. Undoubtedly Uncle Kurt had no intentions to talk about that matter,
               at least that my impatience obeys him, and for that reason he had occulted such bundle: he
               would have not shown me it in that moment if that wasn’t necessary.

                      At the end, a book of voluminous aspect remained in his hands, covered with thick tops
               lined in red  cloth. Sustaining it  before my eyes, he  opened it  and the first sheet; on it was
               announced in first term, the title of the book and the name of the author. «Fundamentals of
               the  Hyperborean  Wisdom»  by «Nimrod  de  Rosario». At the  bottom, an inscription gave
               indications about the filiation of the book: «Order of Tyrodal Knights of the Argentinian

                      When I read such brief phrases, Uncle Kurt turned the page and he signalized a «Letter
               for the Chosen Ones» which was inserted in manner of prologue; at the end of the same, three
               pages  after,  was  the  firm  of  the  author,  Nimrod  de  Rosario,  and  the  following  indication:
               «Córdoba, August 1979».

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