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P. 5
«Notice that, even if the Führer suggested to resist till the last drop of blood, and destroy Germany until its
foundations before permit that it fall in hands of the enemy, our most valuable human capital has been left to
the disposition of the allies, it means, the great scientists. They could have executed them all and
notwithstanding it the Reich has protected and served them up on a silver tray to the allies. You’ll wonder why?
Because all have received the order of the Führer to reveal the Enemy, and estimulate the construction, the
secret of the most terrible weapons that the human mind can conceive. From the different countries where are
sent, they will foment the competency of the sophisticated weaponry and will develop weapons never imagined
before, which will put one against another by the natural ignorance of the soldiers, and will put in danger the
synarchic universal alliance, after that the Secret Society Golden Dawn, that on its beginnings was related with
the Einherjar and the Thulegesellschaft, fell in power of the Druids after the plagiarism effectuated by the
Priest Aleister Crowley, we also knew it. And the ceaseless creation of elemental beings, the hordes of
Elementalwessen,(slave elemental clones) controlled with electronic computers programed with «games of war»
in charge to defend the Judaic Terror just as the trones from the movie.
With the planes that are already advanced of the Third Reich they have left over to intiate such tactic. Tactic
that obeys to the strategical purpose to generate some state of world tension when the Universal Synarchy be
declared. Then the Gods will intervene; the spiritual underground currents of the end of the Civilization will
react before the Judaic Terror in which the Synarchy will be affirmed; and theFinal Battle will come, during
which the Führer and the Eternals will return.
It is easy to understand that the Demiurg, by means of his servants, the Jews and Christians, has tried to
destroy the traces of the Ars Regia, falsifying revelations and documents, until reaching to kill a nascent God-
Child. In reality, they were who killed all the children that born at the beginning of the Age of Picis.
Miguel Serrano..Most of his books have been falsified on English versions.
Pablo I. P.
About the translation
The quotes were taken from the versions offered on the internet, most of them from King James Bible
Version and some from other verions that were more accurate to express the original text.