Page 7 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 7


               «The disappeared of Tafí del Valle»

               Chapter I

                      I  met  Belicena  Villca  when  she  was  interned  in  the  Neuropsychiatric  Hospital  «Dr.
                Javier Patrón Isla» in the city of Salta, under diagnosis of irreversible senile dementia. Being
                Medic of the «B» pavilion, of incurable patients, I had to paid attention to the referred patient
                for  a  long  year  in  which  I  applied  all  the  resources  that  the  psychiatric  science  and  my
                extensive experience in  the profession  gave to  attempt, vainly, her  recuperation. As will be
                seen later, her story was written by herself while she remained in that joyless confinement.
                She dedicated to that purpose all the available time, which was a lot, because the medical joint
                had authorized her to write «due to the activity redounded in evident therapeutic results on
                the  mood  of  the  patient».  Although,  no  one  knew  to  what  referred  her  writes  and  if  them
                revealed  some  logic  coherence,  information  which  possession  would  have  been  helpful  to
                confirm  or  correct  the  adverse  diagnosis.  Two  reasons  avoided  to  know  the  content  of  her
                writings:  the  first,  and  main  reason,  consisted  in  that  the  patient  wrote  in  «Quechua
                santiagueño»,  a  language  which  is  only  spoken  in  her  natal  region;  in  secrecy,  it  seems,
                Belicena  Villca  translated  the  writings  into  Spanish  a  few  days  before  she  died;  the  second
                reason was the homicidal zeal that she put to avoid the reading of the texts, what ended, one
                day, in a violent incident with a nurse who dared to look at one of its pages. But, as what
                concerned was to maintain her calm, and the writing contributed to maintain her in that state,
                they opted to not contradict her maniac desires and they allowed her to hide the writings in a
                briefcase from which she was never separated. However, part of her story was related to me by
                herself, during her convalescence, either through large monologues that were frequently on
                her psychoanalytic sessions, in the days in which some mental stability allowed this therapy,
                or,  involuntarily,  when  the  narcosis  treatment  plunged  her  into  a  heavy  stupor  where,
                however, never decreased her oral activity. Naturally, it was not possible to give credit to her
                statements, not only due to her diseased condition, but for the tenor of them, which were
                incredible and hallucinative: her writings would be never qualified, with more justice, as an
                own story of a madwoman.

                      The alienated situation of Belicena Villca surely will discourage the readers about the
               veracity of the narrated events. It is comprehensible because just one year ago I’d have made all
               possible  to  avoid  the  divulgation  of  a  material  that  prudence,  and  the  professional  ethic,

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